
That’s just the tip of the iceberg

Maester: What are the words of house Trump?

Worthwhile to note that Raffensperger’s wife tested positive for COVID-19 and is in quarantine. Combined with Loeffler et. al. going after him hard, it looks a lot like Raffensperger’s had it up to here with these people and is fresh out of fucks to give.

It’s almost poetic when Trump loving, flag waving, qanon believing, pandemic denying folks go out with their last words being “I can’t breathe.”

Affirmative action litigation and legislation are frustrating to watch. Proposition 16 just got defeated in California, which would have made it legal to consider race, sex, and ethnicity in areas of public employment, public education, and when awarding public contracts. Basically, it would have allowed the state to

I get what the people who made this movie are going for, but the result feels like a reverse “white savior” trope that’s somehow worse.

Suggesting that people who work from home and thus “contribut[e] less to the infrastructure of the economy whilst still receiving its benefits” should pony up $10/day is like saying people driving cars and thus “contributing less to the horseshoe economy whilst still driving on the roads built for carriages” should

You know, with these stories, some people are always so quick to ask “Well why did they have to be so defensive? Couldn’t they just have nodded, smiled, and moved on?” Like somehow the targets of harassment and intimidation carry a part of the blame. To that I say, you try being targeted every second of every time you

NEVER GO TO HUMAN RESOURCES! How many more of these stories need to come out before people realize that the purpose of an HR department is not to create a better workplace or to help employees; the sole and exclusive purpose of the HR department is to shield the company from lawsuits. That’s it. That’s the whole

Ernest Cline is a hack who wouldn’t recognize an original idea if it crawled up his leg and bit off both of his hideously malformed testicles, and the success of Ready Player One is a sad commentary on the creative bankruptcy of geek culture. Pop culture is eating its own tail, with remakes, sequels, and reboots

To oversimplify why this should be filed under “REALLY FUCKING BAD”: heat equals energy. Oceans are the biggest things on Earth, so if your oceans are measurably heating up, that means they now contain a fuckton of additional energy. And as the laws of thermodynamics tell us, all that energy has to go somewhere. More

Why are they doing this? Because they want this election to be decided by the Supreme Court, not by the voters of this country. That means you and me. I don’t know about you, but me personally, I’m fucking done with old white guys thinking they can get away with trying to take away MY VOICE in what this country should


Throughout the shitshow that the last few months and years have been, Kamala Harris has been a shining bright ray of hope. 

At first I read this headline as “NASA Is Soliciting Birds to Bring Capitalism to the Moon” and thought, you know, with everything else that’s going on, that’s gotta be one of the least crazy things that happened this year.

Australia remains the only wealthy democracy in the world that doesn’t have anything equivalent to America’s First Amendment protections for free speech.

Construction of the city is expected to cost $6 billion, and Akon has secured about $4 billion of his goal, but he did not disclose who his business partners were. The Post reports that the investors signed nondisclosure agreements.

Normally, sure. But this is Trump, and Biden is leading in Texas in some polls. The way this is gonna shake out is it’s gonna be another “I need you to do me a favor, though...” type situation where Trump is absolutely going to try and extort governor Abbott via federal aid in return of some kind of election

Remember when the Democratic National Convention devolved into a shitshow after one of the scheduled speakers got arrested, another had a lawsuit filed against them, and then a third got kicked off the list for posting some insane conspiracy rant? Oh wait, my mistake, that was the Republican National Convention.

I was thinking of some kind of award you should get for your writing, but then I realized the only reward you’d probably even be willing to accept for everything you do is simply this: a better America. So I’ll try to get that for you. It’ll take a while, but you have my word that I’ll keep trying as long as I still