
That’s how it was written. Just always felt like, you know, this could be something better.

You know, somehow I always read The Shadow over Innsmouth as having a black protagonist, even though Lovecraft clearly did not intend for it to be read that way. At the end of the day, Innsmouth is the story of an outsider finding himself being hunted by the sinister, inbred residents of a small town that’s been

Two things.

Feels like this isn’t the time to go live with a show that explains a pandemic as the result of some nefarious conspiracy.

According to local radio station KHTS, police said that an “uncooperative” crowd gathered near Buffalo Wild Wings—where the altercation took place—and that prompted them to call for backup.

Great, Netflix, you managed to make space exploration look boring. I’m impressed, actually. It must have taken a lot of effort and skill to take everything exciting about humanity pushing with all its might to reach the next rung in the ladder on our climb towards a better future for all mankind, and boil it down into

1. Kool-Aid is delicious. It’s not great for you per se, but sometimes endorphins and dopamine are necessary to maintain mental health and stability, and Kool-Aid releases those in abundance. Lose a bit of physical health, gain a bit of mental health. It all balances out. Do what you gotta to do be comfortable; life

Now playing

This might be a Father Ted type situation where a racist does a racist thing not expecting any blowback, gets called out for it, then makes it a million times worse by trying to tell everyone “I’M NOT A RACIST!”

What’s interesting isn’t so much the question of “What the hell is wrong with white people”, even though that is a horrifying train of thought to ride; what I wanna know is, if Trump were a dumber, crasser, and even more openly and unapologetically white supremacist, would that decrease or increase the number of

Yeah, I’ve heard that story before, when it was called Nightlight.

Trump: “We’re last, that means we’re first!”

Jack’s request forced council members to consider how they could allow the BLM message to stand, but not a “Back the Blue” or other right-wing, pro-police message.

“They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel is reported as saying in a 2013 sermon. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves.”

So The Mandalorian gets a nomination but The Expanse is nowhere to be seen? I don’t think the people running the Emmy nominations know what they’re doing.

Holy triple negative, Batman! How about we fix that headline?

It’s one thing for companies to pay lip service to diversity; it’s quite another thing for them to put in an earnest effort to back up those promises with actions. This is good; I am happy; we need more.

Even with the edits, THAT’S STILL A TERRIBLE QUOTE. Saying that black people are “the real children of Israel” is super anti-Semitic. Like, that’s a context no amount of hastily added scribbles can erase.

Kanye West is what happens when you take Charlie Sheen but leave out the methamphetamine addiction and replace it with political aspirations: a talented, extremely public figure with a huge audience, all the money in the world, and no one around to actually help them maintain their mental health but plenty of yes-men

Why is it that there is no good comedy on the right? When liberals do political humor, you end up with people like Jon Stewart or Trevor Noah, but when people on the conservative end of the spectrum try to be funny, it always, always ends up with a hate crime. 

Apparently, wypipo find the prospect of covering their noses and mouths with a piece of cloth so disturbing that it triggers a reaction psychologists describe as Unseasoned Mask Affective Disorder (UMAD).