
I’m not ashamed to admit that I supported Booker because Warren endorsed him; if Warren says he’s legit, that’s good enough for me. Still, let’s make sure old McTurtle feels the Wrath of McGrath.

What if “golfing” is the cover story and the truth is that Trump was just on the shitter for 3 hours straight trying to back out a presidential turd that got stuck sideways due to his steady diet of McMuffins, Filets-o-Fish, meatloaf sandwiches, Big Macs, chocolate shakes, and well done steaks with ketchup?

According to a now-deleted Facebook post made by Evans, she claimed the people she was screaming at weren’t Black, but that she uses the slur all the same, Newsweek notes.

The two wave their guns around (often pointing them at each other with all the subconscious familial loathing of a proper WASP couple)

NASCAR: Alright, noose, noose, noose! Come on in noose lovers! Here at the Stock Car Twister we’re slashing noose in half! Give us an offer on our vast selection of nooses, this is a noose blow out! Alright, we got white noose, black noose, Spanish noose, yellow noose. We got hot noose, cold noose. We got wet noose.

I see they’re sticking by the tried-and-true horror movie formula: a bunch of dumb attractive white people doing dumb attractive white people stuff.

This area is known for its skinheads and for having racial conflict and I would suspect that police would look into that as a potential narrative

Not gonna lie, the headline and the thumbnail made me think this article was about Apple announcing that they’d successfully cloned Steve Jobs, and I was like, “Yeah, that sounds about right, given the kind of year it’s been.”

Is it, though? Hawat lays all of this out to Paul pretty much from the beginning. His explanation is that this isn’t some big honor; governance of Arrakis means House Atreides is screwed unless Duke Leto plays this exactly perfectly.

When the Emperor handed Arrakis to Duke Leto, Baron Harkonnen (who already loathed House Atreides) vowed to do anything to get it back.

You know that joke, The Aristocrats? The Trump administration and every person they hire is a live performance of exactly that joke, except their version is called The Kakistocrats.

It costs 40 caps to move camp, not “somewhere around 100 caps”.

Dune is still set to come out December 18, for the time being. It’s one of the only major 2020 blockbusters whose release date hasn’t been changed because of the covid-19 pandemic.

We deserve better

Ah, good old Lee Atwater. Maybe I should bur a teensy tiny little cross on his grave on his birthday as a way to thank him for so clearly and undeniably laying out the rotten calculus that’s been powering so much of American politics since day one. Anytime someone starts talking about how they’re “fiscally

Samuel Jackson is a national god damn treasure.

Musk has Engineer’s Disease, the mistaken belief that one’s mastery of one scientific field of complex systems imparts mastery of ALL scientific fields dealing with complex systems. A little knowledge can be more dangerous than complete ignorance, because people with the wrong personality type think their limited


In this case, it’s the bleak reality that, despite all our technological advances, the Western world has been completely outwitted by a virus that we should have been plenty prepared for.

Would be sweet to see an age progression where you can see Gordon FreeMAN’s progression towards his eventual final form as the G-Man.