
This the same Briahna Joy Gray who claimed on Twitter that Biden was encouraging a genocide? The same Briahna Joy Gray who, without proof, suggested that Democratic Senators were engaged in the exact same kind of COVID-19 insider trading as their GOP counterparts? THAT Briahna Joy Gray? Because that Briahna Joy Gray

If someone’s first name is Merlin, you better fucking pay attention to what they’re saying.

Rest of the school year != rest of the year. That headline is a little misleading.

Here’s a fun game I like to play, it’s called “Surely they didn’t actually say that” and it goes like this: whenever you see a headline claiming that someone in the Trump administration said something insanely stupid, you say to yourself “Surely they didn’t actually say that”, then you read the article. If they

Fairstein says every episode in which she appears portrayed her as a “racist, unethical villain

You realize it’s not going to be easy to win the votes of Bernie supporters, right? Even Bernie couldn’t do it!

In December, a video blazed through gay Twitter of a teen doing the popular “Say So” dance, pioneered by TikTok star Haley Sharpe.

>Biden’s campaign was essentially a non-starter until a series of decisive wins in South Carolina and Super Tuesday’s primaries where he emerged as the front runner.

>Or were you too afraid to offend the white working-class voters that Bernie Sanders is very comfortable talking to and has repeatedly sympathized with for supporting Trump?

reads headline

>Sanders does lead Biden with younger voters 18-34, who make up 21 percent of Tuesday’s electorate

Oh, the mango moron is gonna catch it for sure, but unfortunately the POTUS has access to state-of-the-art healthcare, including a dazzling array of antivirals, so if his physician...

Calling an ultra right wing superhero “Stormfront” is both very bold and incredibly on the nose. I kinda like it.

Lemme stop you right there: anytime you ask yourself, “What’s the reason anything is the way it is with Rise of Skywalker”, the only correct answer is “Because Rise is a trash-tier nostalgia money grab that was financed by soulless ghouls with a cash register where their heart should be, written by pretentious boys

It’s hard to care about the kind of “castle in the sky” promises Sanders is waving in front of people while black kids are killed in the streets by law enforcement and the officers keep walking free. Trump WANTS to run against Sanders, and that tells me the RNC believes that a) their data shows that they can sink

The thing I worry about most (other than Trump stealing another turn, children who languish in concentration camps, millions dead because of this pandemic, and my daughter growing up in a world ravaged by climate change) is that Warren supporters turn on black voters. You’re exactly right; they voted in what they

As a Warren supporter who has been directly involved in her campaign (attending organizing events, canvassing, phone banking, texting, the whole shebang) it’s kind of nuts to see what works and what doesn’t. We’ve knocked on so many doors, we’ve had so many 1-on-1 conversations with voters, and yet none of it seems to


Thank god there’s another candidate in the running who doesn’t have Biden’s obvious mental decline, who’s in excellent health, sharp as a tack, with a fiercely loyal and vociferous base, who comes with exactly zero baggage, and who has a clear vision to turn this country around from the ground up, a candidate who is

I’m not giving up on Warren until the last damn vote is counted, and neither should anyone else who’s in this fight.