
You don’t even know the half of it. You know Dana Rohrabacher’s middle name? You know, that former representative from California, that super racist, borderline white supremacist, ultra corrupt conservative and one of Putin’s favorite congressmen? Look him up on Wikipedia. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Wealth tax, college debt forgiveness, M4A, housing, universal childcare, green new deal... I wonder if there are any plans left that Sanders HASN’T copied from Warren. Sanders is like that boy in school who talks a big game about how smart they are, doesn’t do any of the homework, and then hastily copies notes from


>None of the candidates are perfect

Hey, you know which candidate is aware of all of these issues and has a detailed plan to deal with them? Elizabeth Warren, that’s who. Read her plan here. To cover the details you mentioned:

Yeah, I never really understood that point. “There MUST be a Lich King!” Must there, though? I mean, let’s say the Lich King Hat has some kind of “must not self-terminate” clause ensorcelled into it or whatever, couldn’t we just get a bunch of dragons together and just burn anything that crawls out of Icecrown to a

If Gloomberg wants to make people believe that democracy is not for sale, this is not how to do that. On the other hand, if the objective was to further erode our trust in our democratic institutions and suppress voter turnout, I couldn’t think of a more effective means to achieve that goal.

It’s insane to me to see all these people here writing Warren off when the race hasn’t even started yet. She’s polling SECOND in Nevada, ahead of Biden, ahead of Buttigieg, ahead of Klobuchar, ahead of everyone except Sanders. It’s exactly like you said, Michael: the votes haven’t happened yet, and those are the ONLY

If you haven’t already, you should check out Warren’s plan to restore the power of labor unions in America. There’s a lot there (go figure that someone who takes notes with different-colored pens during an impeachment hearing would put together hyper-detailed policy proposals), but one detail I think is particularly

Hey, you know who’s got a really detailed, well-reasoned, and workable plan to empower American workers, raise wages, and level the playing field so that employees can stand up to big corporations that see their workers like cattle, a plan that ensures workers are once again treated like human beings deserving of fair

>Fervent supporters of Bernie Sanders, who is Warren’s closest ideological counterpart, will likely never switch their allegiance; they’re with him to the end and are uncompromising on the issue of Medicare for All.

Yup. I think either Warren or Sanders would make a fine president, but I personally lean towards Warren for two reasons: one, Sanders tends to view racism as an effect of class struggle while Warren understands that race-based policy is needed to fight race-based discrimination (see her plan for that here), and two,

Hey, you know who’s got a plan to invest in affordable housing for low income families, make homeownership achievable for everyone who has been redlined and priced out of ever buying a home, and to specifically improve housing in minority communities?

>But first, we should at least try to get free.

>There is no objective reason, aside from racism or sheer stupidity, why any reasonable person would ask this question.

True. They’ll miss, maiming the poor thing beyond repair but not quite killing it, forcing them to unload an entire clip into the game to finally put it out of its misery.

Let’s hope this inspires the billionaires to be a bit more careful with our planet and doesn’t backfire...

Saying that Rise is a celebration of the pre-Disney Star Wars Expanded Universe is like saying that the neo nazi march in Charlottesville was a celebration of friendship, tolerance, and diversity.

Yarp. Or making Leia an ineffective and frail sideshow and reducing her to basically #JustMomStuff, offing her so her kid can have his completely unearned “redemption arc”. Or forcing Rey to make out with the gross sicko who’s been torturing her psychologically and physically and who spent the majority of the past

Can we stop pretending like Rise had any redeeming qualities please? The movie was trash. Plot holes big enough to drive a whole fleet of star destroyers through, character assassinations left and right, incoherent storytelling, inconsistent with every other past Star Wars movie INCLUDING the other parts of the Disney