
I’m having a hard time dealing with the fact that people seemingly don’t understand that her dragons are LITERALLY a metaphor for Daenerys herself. They’re widely thought of as all-powerful and invincible and people far and wide both fear and admire them, but at the end of the day they’re nothing but oversized lizards

Bernie: I walked with Dr. King you know.

Geez, it’s almost like ASOIAF is a story grounded in the fact that conventional fantasy tropes are dumb, prophesies are for rubes, narrators are unreliable, and the only thing that truly matters are people and their relationships with one another.

That’s because Jon Snow is terrible at winning battles.

rubs temples

What’s everyone’s read on how Warren did at that same forum?

Welp, guess it’s back to piracy for me then.

>That’s a bad shot

I feel like we’re all at fault if we don’t call these shitheels out for POSING IN THE FUCKING WILDFLOWERS. Seriously. There was even an article about that recently. Stop doing this shit even if it’s in the name of parody.

Purely speculative, but...

I love both Sanders and Warren, but Warren has my monthly donation locked down because I feel like what most sets her apart from Sanders is that Warren’s got the receipts. Everything she’s put forward thus far is a reasonable, well thought-out, and actionable plan aimed at making life better for everyone in America.

>In a Medium post published Monday morning, Warren unveiled a comprehensive—and radical—education reform plan.

So it looks an awful lot like social media platforms created and run by white people were used by other white people to wage information warfare against black people in order to help elect an obviously, shamelessly white nationalist, white supremacist president. How do we stop this shit?

>Democrats need black people like the Starks need those dragons on Game of Thrones.

>It can be completed in well under half an hour playing solo

And even if she DID get fired, she’d probably get a job at the White House within five minutes because apparently being a shrill racist harpy is seen as a plus by the current administration. This fucking timeline, I swear to god.

One thing needs to be made abundantly clear to anyone working for any major company or corporation: despite what they claim, HR’s job is not to protect YOU, their job is to protect THE COMPANY. Seen through this lens, HR’s actions or inactions in a lot of these cases make sense: investigate whether there is evidence;

There’s a really obvious, simple solution that will make everyone happy and won’t require section 230 to be scrapped: I call it “One Person - One Account”.

Huh, that sounds... kind of awful, actually. Like, this is Games As A Service taken to its ultimate extreme. So if they shut down Stadia, everything you bought on that service is now gone. I don’t like that at all. I can take out my old SNES and play those games with my kids anytime I like, and I will continue to be

While that is cool, you know what I wanna see on TWD? I want someone to figure out that if you protect your brain by keeping it in a hypothermic state and well-oxygenated while the rest of your body dies, you come back as not just a garden-variety zombie but as an actual LICH, “Monster Island” style.