
Doesn’t that basically distort the actual reality of playing ApeLegs, painting a rosier picture of the game than what players should actually expect? Feels a teensy tiny bit like mod abuse, no?

It’s perfect for that. I’ve soloed the full game all the way to dropping nukes, now I’m mostly chilling, collecting plans and schematics, building up my CAMP, and chipping in here and there for Operation Tourniquet.

Welp, I think this is good news overall, because it means I’ll be able to finally cancel my HBO subscription once GoT concludes.

Illusive: illusory, made-up, not actually real

I feel like a broken record, but section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 needs to be updated. Waiting on advertisers to exert pressure on platforms like YouTube to police content that exploits minors and ban users who share and or/profit from said abuse is clearly not working. We’ve done this dance too

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 needs to be looked at and revised for the 21st century, because GOD DAMN did we ever not foresee just how completely and thoroughly the freedom granted by that little bit of legislation would enable bad actors to leverage public platforms to hurt, harass, exploit,

Almost perfect, needs one small tweak:

I’ma go out on a limb here and say that this is even more than a hate crime - it’s terrorism.

Hearthstone just surpassed 100 million active players in late 2018, soooo... if CCGs are a fad, it looks like either there’s a VERY long tail after the peak or we haven’t seen the peak yet.

The president is essentially saying that the National Enquirer is “more accurate” than the Washington Post, which would be a reasonably funny burn if it wasn’t coming from a man who has sole discretion to launch dozens of nuclear weapons anytime he likes, either starting World War III or simply ending life on Earth as

Racism is an enemy you cannot kill. All you can do is wound it, drive it back beneath the water, and teach your children to watch the waves for its return.

Correction: Mike Levin defeated Diane Harkey, not Darrell Issa. Issa is resigning and did not run in 2018. Mike Levin did win the seat Issa is vacating.

“The Fuhrman Diares”, as in, Mark... Fuhrman? The super racist cop from the OJ trial? Nazi-obsessed Mark Fuhrman? Mark “Alt Right Before It Was Cool” Fuhrman?

Mars is a garbage planet for toilet people and not a viable candidate for colonization due to its trash-tier surface gravity. Sure, it’s got that rocky surface the kids are all crazy for, but it’s also got an atmosphere so thin Durex is trying to figure out how to use it to market condoms and a magnetosphere that’s

No, seriously, we’ve been defunded. It’s just you now.

That would mean the devastation is incredibly small; as in, no matter how small you say the devastation is, it’s even smaller than that. It cannot be understated.

A Trump-voting, pro-coal white guy who just lost an election wants to be the next president. Hard pass. This is so incredibly stupid.

For reference:

Now playing

If this passes, one of my favorite Tom Scott videos will become just a little funnier.