
This is a Bad Take™. If you haven’t refilled the tub at least twice because your water got too cold, that doesn't even count as a bath. That's like...a tub spritzer or something. 

This is so wrong. You keep a wash cloth under your butt so you don’t get sore from the hard tub, drain a lil water, add some fresh hot agua, hit a bong rip, and press play on Netflix. Baths are meant to be two-hour affairs.

Yeah! It’s funny to mock a bilingual person whose first language wasn’t English! hahahahahahha get it? Because she’s not smart! LOL YOU GOT HER GOOD! 

They looked sooo stupid chiming in. They should have kept it cute and put it on mute but you best believe Ms. Nicki rang them up and told them to defend her. Also lol @ Nicki shading the shit out of them by saying they been wanting to collab with her for 7 years but they finally made a song she liked so that’s the

I wish these were closed-captioned for hearing-impaired / deaf people. We like to freak ourselves out too!  :) 

No. The Pixie Cut - while adorable - is just as high-maintenance as The Rachel, because it requires getting a haircut every 10-14 days. Seriously, those haircuts look cute for about 5 days and then they grow out too much. 

The summer after my sophomore year of college, my parents asked me to house sit for them while they went out of town for a long weekend. At the time, they lived in a fairly remote area so it was a bit of a trek, but it was a big beautiful house on the lake and my parents’ pets were sweethearts. First night I actually

Okay okay okay!
here’s my story - it’s a brief one!

I finally found this thread early early enough to *maybe* not be totally buried! The most intensely creepy thing that’s ever happened to me is also the most oddly beautiful.

Next they’ll tell us Bukowski was a drunken jerk.

For the love of god, please, can we stop treating Kanye as if he’s not batshit infuckingsane?  Jesus tap dancing Christ, the guy is a fucking lunatic, and every time he opens his mouth there’s like some dissertation on his TRUE MEANING. 

Re Kanye

It’s not my community, but the Internet is filled with lots of groups of people with very niche interests and I think that’s generally a good thing. I am not into this particular interest, but I wouldn’t say that’s because of my age and I’d be very cautious about trying to portray it as a sign of cultural superiority

I’m in my 30s, and I know who all of these people are. I don’t wear makeup on a regular basis, but I watch makeup tutorials on YouTube and I am familiar with all of the characters in this story. I don’t watch Logan Paul or Jenna Marbles, but I also know who they are. Celebrities aren’t just movie stars

You’re acting like having a gay daughter gives you more perspective than the actual queer people here talking about how this is poor casting.

Hi! This was a useless response, but thanks for being a jerk!

Google is your friend.

I want more black people heading government agencies; that doesn’t mean I think Ben Carson was a good pick for HUD.

Too bad she can’t act. 

Im geeked for a Batwoman show but RR was turrble in John Wick 2.