
This is actually wrong, and a two second google search would have saved you from looking goofy.

Daniel Ricciardo? The guy who had to “do a bit more reading” to understand the racism behind the George Floyd protests and is a gross frat boy? This article is yikes in general

George Russell’s personality is enough of a DQ, even for this icky article

This is silly. YOU may not respect her, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t respect herself.

Taking other people’s lives too personally my dude

Some things can be kept inside your head, ya know.

This. I get that everyone can’t afford fast fashion, and it’s seriously not about making consumers feel like shit for something companies are gonna do anyway....


Think it’s overkill to talk about how slave labor pays for the low cost of the clothes in every single article?

A friend of mine was telling me stories of her friend, who worked backstage for one of her tours. He said that they would do a ton of weird rituals, speak in (what seemed like to them) tongues, and kick all the men out while they did it. It was weird, so seeing this now feels like a weird confirmation?

G Eazy also hits on girls endlessly, cheated on Halsey, and YTer mess Tana Mongeau claimed her UNDERAGED friend (14/15 I think?) had sex with Gerald. Aside from using Halsey as fodder for this stupid ass beef, I’m on Kelly’s side here.

Isn’t Mercy a *Kanye* song? 

Can we stop talking about his weight tho? He’s awful, but there are a whole ton of people who are his size and don’t deserve the hate by proxy.

Aside from the transparency factor, I’m struggling to see what the difference is from regular heels?

I’ve been here, casually waiting for it to come back since 2011.

😒 You can still have representation and have it be positive representation. Maybe it is because you’re older and you’ve been through when there was 0 representation that you think piecemeal is better than nothing. Nothing isn’t the alternative anymore 

I understand what your message is saying, but you keep reiterating as if my point is wrong? Why do we have to settle for a low bar? Higher standards, burnsitito.

When you have a person in an underrepresented community where, like you said earlier, is normally a role taken up by someone straight, it’s important that you have a good actor that’s a positive reflection of said community.

Again, we can still question the representation and choices of casting agents. Just because other gay actresses may or may not have auditioned (which is superfluous and unrelated to the point I’m discussing) we still have the right as people to question and critique the hiring of such a shit actor and insufferable

Again, expecting people to put in some effort for a question they’re asking strangers on the internet is not a hard ask. It takes me just as much time to find articles and read through them and then synthesize them down as it does to do some skimming and jumping through a few articles. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As I mentioned in my

Sigh, considering that person didn’t seem to put any effort into their question, I feel no amount of guilt telling them to google it 🤷🏻‍♀️. Had that person said what you said above and said “Is there something I’m missing?” I’m sure there’d be a far stronger inclination to fill in the blanks.

Just because there’s a lack of gay actresses doesn’t mean people need to accept shitty members of the community to represent. There are *several* other gay actresses in Hollywood who could’ve easily been cast. I think it’s fair for people to question their representation.

Google is your friend.