“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”
“I’m sick and tired of people like you...”
Please take a moment and watch this video of Newt Gingrich losing his mind when Megyn Kelly deigns to call out the…
Aw you should watch the first season though, I really don’t think it will disappoint.
The first season was epic. And, honestly, I continued watching for Evan Peters. Didn’t really know him before AHS and I think he is amazing. Fell in love with his character in Asylum.
Murder house is Definitely the best and the only actually scary season.
The first season was sooooo good. Each season gets shittier and shittier.
Here’s why the show got on my nerves: sliding barn doors. I swear in every damn episode, they put sliding barn doors somewhere.
I watched this show with my in-laws while visiting last Christmas and we had two complaints - “Why are all the kitchens so white??” was theirs. “Why do they keep DISTRESSING everything??” was mine. Their style is SO far from mine that it’s hard to like the show - and I already live in Texas. I don’t need more fake…
Ahh...being rude, the worst crime in white America. This was a boiling point for Kanye and others who feel as though POC have been getting robbed of recognition (and profit) despite being overwhelmingly qualified. So time and time again it happens, and when black people get mad and “act out” they get shamed and hated…
Here’s the issue with that particular position: Taylor has been doing the public shaming and stoning of other people for her entire career. Everyone from her childhood best friend, former love interests, to other pop stars have been fodder for her unending campaign of Poor Me. Let’s not forget that the Greatest Crime…
That shit Leno pulled turned me against him for life. Poor Kanye was choking back tears. I doubt he ever even met the woman. What made him think he had the right to speak on what she would have thought of her son? If he did know her well, and if Kanye had shot someone or beat up an orphan, sure, tell him his mother…
Best video vs best song, for a video no one can remember over a video that is still good. Kanye was right.
I think that’s a very color blind and overly simplistic reading of this situation. Kanye inappropriately expressed the frustration that all people of color feel when our exceptional achievements are consistently ignored and white mediocrity is rewarded instead. He wasn’t trying to be hateful towards Taylor swift, he…
I think saying it was hateful is over exaggerating. Not an excuse, but he was drunk off his ass. Celebrities have gotten drunk and done much more horrible things and they get a pass. Kanye apologized everywhere, Jay Leno told him that he made his dead mother ashamed, and the president called his a jackass. I think…
Hateful? It has honest. It was like Charlton Heston getting up on stage and screaming “Soylent Green is people!” and everyone is so mad at him. And then years later when Taylor gets caught on camera saying, “I’m Soylent green and I’m made of people,” you go and get mad at Charlton Heston again.
The only time I haven’t supported Kanye was when he revealed himself as a Cosby apologist but other than that, I overlook the egomania. If it were a white musician with that bravado, most people wouldn’t bat an eye. And it’s not like Kanye doesn’t have the work to backup his claims of greatness, his music is…
I'm team Kanye for life.
I KNEW something bad was coming for Taylor. This explains the insane Hiddleswift publicity stunts. I’m 99% sure she had some major milestone like an engagement planned with him, too, but now who knows. She’s better off dropping off the face of the earth for a while rather than continuing to shove her totally natural…
Because she IS.