
Right?! Me too. Well pale green grew up in a desert a lot of light headaches. Migraines only sensitive to light not sound. Cant live without huge sunglasses either

Its hard to feel bad for her. Starting from the beginning with her im-not-like-the other-girls “she wears short skirts, I wear t shirts...” well umm she is naturally tall, blonde, skinny without trying, pretty, good voice, healthy, young, lots of friends, handsome suitors, and rich. She was never an ugly fat,

AWESOME AWESOME awesome perfect this thanks love it continue with these thoughts wow great the world needs it zomg <3

Im tired of her bullshit. Good girl so many years, style chick, didnt care. But sick of it at this point. Fake squad, facial expressions, shallow songs, acting clueless. Dont even know if im making sense just annoyed.

I havent really seen so far in the comments about people using alcohol to replace food as disordered eating. Ive started to do that. I was chubby for a long time, yo-yoed, then got a malabsorbtion disease that made me thin. Since diagnosis I gained weight. It seems just so crazy the tiny amount of food one has to eat

Im a woman and hate topsheets, so annoying and useless. Too much fabric, I get nightsweats.

A reason I wont have kids. Already life-long mental illness I know this would definitely happen to me!!! :( My mom’s side has depression throughout the genes.

It really seems like it always has to go somewhere the back fat. So hard to move down!!!!!! I never thought Id get to the point where I would be able to control my stomach but not my backfat... most shapewear isnt that concenerned for that area.

Finally! My problem! Im short waisted so I have all this armpit fat, big arms, and back fat ugh hate it. Really wish I could afford lipo. Lost 50 lbs, still there. Nice legs but huge bulge of armpit fat in almost every top I wear. So much bunched up way up high cause of the waist.

My stretch marks are purple. I dont know what that means in terms of making them go away. The ones on my boobs maybe bother me the most cause thats where they are most densely concentrated and since ive lost weight they look even wierder. The ones on the inside of my thighs are also kinda intensly packed. But my acne

Broken capillaries will be there til the end of time wont they? I dont even understand how they got there just felt like I woke up and theyve been on my nose more than half my life. Finally got off blackheads just to have those discolor my face with zero hope.

The hair was the worst!!!!!!!!! And hardly any make-up. Head didnt match the busy formal dress.

It also fills me with rage. I have a mental illness and have some phobias, one of them childbirth. I am childfree and thought of me getting pregnant makes me imagine stabbing myself in the uterus. Abortion or other wise its not making it. The only difference is if they make me go down with the ship. Those pro-lifers

This blind thought leads to child abuse. Just children for childrens sake but then (shoker!) the baby grows up and is more expensive, more needs. Its also because these types of Christians idolize suffering as a tool to improve character. So no matter what pain the fetal abnormalities cause, or what condition the home

I also grew up strict pro-life. Since Im older, more informed, and childfree Ive done a 180. It really seems to me these women are high in their ivory towers. My family NEVER mentions sex so no one would ever admit to abortion. Since ive talked about it Ive at least been able to get my mom to say, I believe that the

Are there any other acronyms or slurs for other women who dont align with feminism? Like pro-life women? Or republican women? Or women who facilitate the patriarchy in other such ways. These people sadden me and make me very angry but in the end im still more upset about male violence.

After a few months I know im not making the progress I want, pound or tone-wise. Ive yo-yoed so I have been in shape a few times in the past but never get past the mid 130s. For now Im watching Botched and waiting for the day I can pay for lipo... stubborn back/armpit fat.

I can relate. Ive struggled with weight all my life, a lot of it due to mental illness and the medications for it (or lack of meds). Dedicated yo-yoer. So many sizes in the closet, so much lieing to myself. My sister has been thin her whole life and just got married last year. For the first time ever, at 28, is she

This kinda scares me. I used to be overweight and lost 50 lbs, about a third of my body weight at the time. Unfortunately though, I was never able to reach my goal weight. I always get stuck at the same place. I started exercising hard (increasing cardio resistance) and lifting weights a few months ago and havent made

My point wasnt to play oppression olympics but to point out that I do think women are oppressed by their gender (expectations, stereotypes) and sex (body, organs, biology). So its perhaps only a semantic issue, that patriarchy causes misogyny AND trans*misogyny. And that I find the word cis-privilage as ill-directed