
I dont understand the concept of cis privilage. I know some people have it easier in this world than others but I dont see how my sex/gender experiences could be catagorized as privilage. Ive bled all over friend’s chairs, in desks in high school, over myself in public from a reproductive disease. Forced to sit on

My insurance pissed me off about it. I needed BC and surgery for endo, and I needed the BC before the surgery but the insurance only wanted to pay for one. Idiots, dont understand healthcare at all. Need the hormones so the endo doesnt grow back or grow more. I think it ended up as 1200 bucks. Then whatever for the

My doc also reccommended Mirena for my endo but I said no and got the Nexplanon instead. Love it!!! So much easier.

I love my Nexplanon, ive had it 9 months and its badass. 1st period normal, then spotting then 3 months later the period to end all periods gushing blood (but no pain somehow). So since then maybe I bled a week but maybe half an hour of cramps for 6 months. No weight gain, can basicly ignore the reproductive system

YES. Thats why I call mine a divorce. No relationship was ever so deep and satisfying or so devestating. I was cuckolded, completely caught off guard. Our families were shocked and saddened. She changed so much it is as if she died. I miss that old person so much.

This was like my situation too. We got into a small arguement and in the prior months, unbenownst to me, she had begun dating my sister’s ex-fiance. Once that happened didnt hear from her til I went back to my hometown and knocked on her door. One of the worst days of my life. I would have done anything for her. But

In my situation that would be a: be careful what you wish for. When my best friend of 14 years began to ghost me I was a train wreck. Crying voicemails, heartfelt emails, nightmares... when I went back to my hometown for Christmas I went to her house and cried as her mom hugged me (she wasnt there). The next day she

I used to be pro-life, ew I know. What changed my mind was the realization that if I got pregnant, I would want to commit suicide. I have bipolar and I havent always been stable, but even now on meds its one of the worst, scariest, creepiest things I can imagine. Now pro-lifers seem instantly to me like they dont or

I dont find cooking to be super hard, Ive actually had A LOT more mess-ups where I threw it all away everything with baking. Whole bowels of batter, dozens of muffins, etc :/ Cooking is so much easier to tweak and understand generalities of flavors without measuring but baking is often one mistake and it cannot be

YES. I feel so bad cause I am loving then hating clothes all the time. It makes it a million times worse since ive been a yo-yo dieter and have to buy new sizes frequently or wonder if I should keep old ones. And once im thinner I buy a lot cause its easier to look good, then later realize its not my style and never

This is so frustrating. As someone who has been sexually assaulted and has an issue with trusting doctors with my privacy, I suffered for years as a virgin from painful endometriosis since they wanted to force me into one. It's like women can't win. Overall they don't see women as individuals with histories. I was

Since me and my boyfriend (together 4 years) came out of our mothers across invisible lines and are separated now by an ocean and strict visa regulations it’s not so crappy anymore. It does bother me a lot that I don’t feel like it’s totally my idea but the health insurance for foreigners sucks. I hate feeling forced

I’m glad you’re saying what you are saying. As someone who has attempted suicide and has a lifelong mental illness the trepidation of the trans community to push for resources to better cope is beyond me. It’s a life skill anyway! I guess they are also afraid of the mental health stigma... which is interesting that

Just like with sterilization too. So much paternalism and talk of regret until THE DOCTOR feels ok with it, pshhh. Ridiculous

My sister has celiacs and is an ovo-vegetarian, there is a lot of egg in gluten free breads and what not. She used to say the same kind of thing like you do. Im a vegan and have gone guten and soy free in the past but never felt different. Im getting a genetic test for celiacs soon. But with anything its just habit. I

As someone who has lived with life-long mental illness and is a suicide survivor, it seems like it would be imperative to offer more counseling to trans individuals as they go through a difficult world. It wont be possible to change the attitudes of millions quickly but it is helpful to equipt transpeople to be better

LOLZ yeah me too. Damn Earth Balance. Now they even make mac and cheese similar to krafts blue box, wish I could have it delivered to me by the truck load!

You described me :P but throw in borderline personality disorder. Im still afraid of sex since I have a fear of abandonment and I cant be vulnerable like that.

I was part of that culture and I was scared shitless of going from zero to sixty in short amounts of time from boom kiss, living together, sex, pregnant, so fast life flips over. It took years to seperate myself from that belief system sadly. Even though I always sensed these things not fitting me.

Im so insecure I can hardly open up sexually! I dont know how to deal with the prospect of other partners. More past partners make me more afraid of abandonment.