
They’re federal officials so your option would be a Bivens action, not a 1983 (which is only applicable to state officials). And Bivens is even weaker.

I read that they consider “sea borders” such as cities on or near the coast as part of the greater border for some reason.

Either the state police or the local citizens need to start arresting these officers for attempted kidnapping.

It’s obviously a chocolate hot dog. A type of sandwich.

Every sane non-racist person calls out Trump and his followers incessantly. In the same way that we talk about Black Lives Matter and people come in with that “what about black on black crime” bullshit we can’t engage in the same whataboutism when people in our community mess up. Particularly when we’re trying to push

Hunh, someone who married Mariah Carey and wears turbans has wild ideas and no sense of self-preservation?! Smh

She doesn’t realize that’s what she’s saying, but that’s exactly what she’s saying...

You’ve got some points. People not paying attention to local government is a problem. Really it’s people not running for local government. Usually the people who end up on decision making positions in towns are either builders, or friends of builders. Then they build the biggest McMansions they can. Then people with

Nah. What it is, especially among my fellow white people, is that before the internet, you could avoid seeing the full asshole side of your extended family, coworkers, etc. Uncle Chuck gets sloppy at Thanksgiving, maybe drops an n-word, you can write it off as him not meaning it.

But with social media? You see it every

This is how you create a pliant society.  You start int he education system and erode it until the people it produces simply follow things because they have no idea how to use critical thinking skills.

he told us back in 2016 that he was so popular that he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it...turns out he could shoot a supporter on 5th Avenue and before they died the supporter would ask for an autograph, and after they died the family would ask for a selfie.

You can do whatever you want with your Scrabble tournaments, but “fuckstick” will always be welcome at my home games

I constantly have dreams of being part of scrabble tournaments but the words never make sense. People getting points for none sense, I put down AW3DJAJ@ and only get 5 points while Billy puts down kopi91¿ and gets 5k points. I guess the upside down question mark is worth a lot but the rules are not posted anywhere.

We are talking about scrabble tournaments here, they make canasta groups look like godless sodomites. 

da edgemasta has logged on

Look at it as a difficulty increase. Git gud, Scrabble pros.

Watermelon...and feta cheese.

The definition of tex mex is regular mex covered in velveeta, so yes.