
I would’ve been so happy if they had modeled BL3 on that DLC.

Clearly you never played Tina Tiny’s Assault on Dragon Keep

If I have learned one thing in my life, it’s that if you want something made well and it isn’t a sporting event or an open-world role-playing game, don’t buy American. Everything good in this country was imported from somewhere else and the stuff that we make domestically is junk.

A few years ago, my sister and I visited the local Asian market by her place, and the guy behind the counter was all excited that they had just gotten in durian, offered us each samples. I took a spoon with a tiny bit, she took more. The taste was alright, but the smell was repulsive, like if someone who ate old gym

Don’t think that method holds water. Jackfruit is just as spikey, but far more delicous. Rabutans are my favorite tropical fruits, and they look like Corona virus.

This is indeed one of the great trolls of 4chan and Im amazed it persists given its absurdity. But I guess that was the point. Heres another guy supporting white power:

It doesn’t. On 4CHAN, it was said to mean white power as a joke. Idiots who are easily persuaded and looking for something to be offended about then ran with it so they could constantly call people racist.

OR Denny was holding up three fingers because he was celebrating his third win of the season. I think we’re dipping into trying too hard to find offense.

She made a powerful statement. She was doing nothing to attract attention to herself, except wear that shirt.

The statue of Edward Colston in Bristol which was tossed into the Avon will be put in a museum and the graffiti will not be removed.

I didn’t like RDR2 very much. But I LOVED killing the KKK guys in it. I wish someone were to make a whole game around it. 

I know the games talk (a little) about the cycle of violence and all, but I lingered in that confederate part a while to shoot some more.

Aw, killing klansmen was my favourite activity in RDR2.

The only thing better than killing the KKK is killing Nazis. I loved stumbling across these guys...

The book is expected to send shockwaves throughout the White House,

There are a lot of Bama fans around here (Birmingham), and while plenty individuals are fine enough people, as a group they are monstrous. Or maybe I should say it’s a loud subset of that group. But in general, if I see a pickup truck on the road with a Bama sticker, the percentage likelihood of other identifiers is

If I could go back in time and slap the taste out of her mouth...

Yes a phrase that first appeared in a 1639 play is now racist. Congratulations you have cleared the shark, Mr. Fonzarelli. 

I had no idea they still filmed them. They’re on in reruns in the middle of the night (often for 2-3 hours in a row), but I didn’t know they were making new ones.

Jodie Foster’s dad is letting us know that an Ethizarian emporer has left us 10,000,000 Quazikos, but he just needs our bank information to transfer it.