
Predators is shockingly good.

In the original script for Prometheus, Jesus was an Engineer returning to Earth to check up on humanity. When they found out humans crucified him, the Engineers decided to carpet bomb Earth with the goo, which is why the Prometheus crew discovers the crescent ship has a flight plan to Earth.

A particularly alarming trend is the use of vehicles to attack crowds of protesters.

TFA doesn’t mention it, but I am 100% sure the car buyer was a white guy. If it had been a POC the Laredo Sherriff’s Department would have sprained their wrists patting themselves on the back over their, “massive drug bust.”

They intend to put the citizens in their place, they couldn’t give a shit what the public opinion or perception is.

The term is shithole.

They know they’re on camera. The scary thing is that they don’t care.

I mean, in the original story I really don’t think race came into it much, outside of the whole thing being a send-up of the US in the first place (again, “Cowboy. Bebop.”). That’s definitely a valid read, but it feels to me like it’s a read based on applying a foreign perspective to this Japanese thing. Which the

Just smells to me like something a shitty YouTuber with no integrity would cook up for more exposure. Maybe he’s like the car guy version of that couple who “rehomed” their adopted child in recent news.

He carries an Israeli Jericho as his handgun in the show... that’s an incredibly specific point of detail that I always assumed was not accidental.

You were saying...?

“Or if I stuck a hyperdrive engine onto an asteroid and launched it straight at the generator.”

Hilariously it’ll be even worse than what we got.

I tried that once. I had to return her for store credit. All she’d take pictures of was MAGA crowds and football games. Once in a while she’d produce a puppy picture, but the quality was low.

There are so many reasons to buy multiple guns, but you don’t need a single one. Why do people have multiple cars or a fun, weekend motorcycle? We like variety and choice has been considered a positive hallmark of capitalism for as long as this country has been around.

For many, many gun owners, it’s a hobby, just like golf, racing, etc.  Some like to hunt different animals with different calibers or just punch holes in paper.  It can be therapeutic.  Owning multiple guns is no different from someone investing $2500 into top-of-the-line golf clubs (plus range/course fees and

1) because she IS an annoying teenager

2) because her annoying teenager-ness got Maya killed.

This planet. The same one with sims like iRacing and rFactor.

Gunship 2000 and F15 Strike Eagle 2 was where it was at. and M1 Tank Platoon, that game was awesome also.  I would love to see the three of those brought up to modern times.