I would not be surprised at all if her handlers were pranking her, because they know what a basic, uneducated, unrefined dolt she is. She’d wear a burlap sack for a dress, if she was told Anna Wintour was seen in one the week before.
I would not be surprised at all if her handlers were pranking her, because they know what a basic, uneducated, unrefined dolt she is. She’d wear a burlap sack for a dress, if she was told Anna Wintour was seen in one the week before.
Because she’s a parvenu. She’s an Eastern European equivalent of southern trailer trash, who married into great wealth but never attained a lick of taste or class.
Jalopnik writer when they see a underpowered, weird, limited edition and unreliable car only available overseas:
Powerful jacks are for jumping chasms, destroyed bridges thing like that. Essential for beating the Car Acrobatic Team. It’s almost like you’ve never watched Speed Racer.
Yeah, but it also aligns your chakras, purges the bad humours, and revitalizes your midi-chlorians. That kind of value doesn’t show up on nutritional labels!
There’s just not enough manufactured controversy in the world these days. Good thing you’re adding to it.
Mr Young, this is Grown Folks entertainment, plain and simple.
Ben Shapiro likes his P behind a sheet with a hole cut in it.
I have to admit, if I was roaming the Canadian wilderness with a fresh pizza in hand and stopped for a bite, I’d share if a wandering moose came by and wanted a nibble.
Donald Trump: “Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”
Conservatives: “I’m fine with this.”
Cardi B: *Drops WAP (it’s fire)
Conservatives: “THiS iS DisGuSTInG & ShE ShoUlD bE AsHAaaaMED!!!!!11"
As someone who doesn’t listen to Cardi B, isn’t unabashedly celebrating female sexuality like her entire musical shtick? I’m pretty sure she didn’t just spring this shit on people in the middle of some super pure Christian pop album. Is it really that hard to just say, “This isn’t for me,” and move on with your life?
I grew up on 2 Live Crew and Uncle Luke. This shit is almost tame by comparison. Especially since the official video on Youtube is a radio edit. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Can’t believe monocles are still dropping in 2020 over women being overtly sexual.
I mean come on — you didn’t know that Mandarin was a spoken language rather than a written one, apparently changed a contributor’s work to reflect that ignorance (in a comment about cultural ignorance at that), and now this?
62 million people voted for Donald Trump. Stupid gullible people often confuse arrogant obnoxious assholes for bold leaders.
There are always people who enjoy watching assholes because it makes them feel vicariously powerful. He’s their id. He gets to be the loudmouthed fuckbags they wish they could be, if only they had the power and the platform to do the same.
All he had to say was “I support the Latino community” go home, and drink his Ensure.
In before, “Um, she’s akchyually a 400 year old witch...”
People are fucking stupid and Twitter is a vile cesspool.