
I think that “world of difference” is mostly down to time that’s passed and a society that’s learned a new, admittedly dumber, language with which to discuss sex during that time.

Agreed. Fuck the haters. If I get drone delivery to the wilds of the Canadian Rockies and a moose wants in, he’s gettin a slice. 

Now playing

I think you wrote a very well thought out response that makes a lot of sense. I also think it’s important that you raise your kids how you want to and that the rest of the world should mind their business because those kids won’t be in the house forever.

My father in law is Chinese, from Fujian even, and when he comes here to visit we always have to go to Panda Express at least once. He gets a laugh out of it but I think he secretly craves it between visits.

That’s an easy thing to solve. Just go out into the world and be one of what you think you should be. I’m not in any way accusing you of anything, you’re a complete stranger. But it seems like there are several people mentioned in the article, including its author, who never even imagined that they could fix the

And with all that said, the actual benefit of bullshit places like this has been completely lost in a sea of butthurt attention grabbing virtue signalling clickbait bullshit.

Lol... Exactly. I don’t get this reaction at all. Taco Bell had a fucking talking chihuahua for YEARS for fuck’s sake and nothing on their menu is remotely Mexican. Ok maybe the quesadilla but that’s it.

Came here to throw this stone at their glass house. This kind of half-assed “restaurant” that waters down ethnic food for wypipo isn’t new and doesn’t merit this kind of outrage especially from its target demographic. 

I’m an old and the idea that this entire discussion of this entire event involves someone who plays video games professionally for millions of dollars while acting like a coked-up 8 year old is unbelievable to me. There’s just no part of my life that could have prepared me to mentally process the absurdity of giving a

There’s no such thing as an “automatic gratuity”. That’s called a “service charge” and those are not remotely related in any way to the concept of a tip. Service charges exist to artificially lower menu prices while providing a steady revenue stream that’s not directly tied to labor or food cost. It’s half marketing

So who made this first? Was it a Guadaloupean Bokit first or a Trini Bake and Shark first?

You wanna get ant? Cause that’s how you get ants...

It occurs to me that the cultural movement to use more accurate pronouns to describe people in a respectful way that acknowledges their individuality is missing a component.

Ironic that the people that coined the pejorative “sheeple” actually did it while looking in a mirror.

You’ll get much better end results if you steam the potatoes for 30 minutes first and them let them cool before slicing them into pieces. All the spices stick better and you can ditch the flour because the potato starch that leaches out gets a nicer crisp to it than flour does. 

Lol... I’m half Filipino and one of my oldest friends calls me “Asia’s Mexican”. He says that Filipinos are the Latinos of Asia. It’s a hard argument to refute.

That’s why I’ve never understood why so many rednecks hate “mexicans”, which is what they call anyone Latino. They have virtually identical values.

I think his speech writer meant that, but after it cycled through Biden’s hops and barley clogged brain it came out sideways in a way that clearly demonstrated that Biden had lost the narrative. I honestly thought he was the best choice to replace trump but it’s becoming increasingly clear that he’s not electable and

He meant it the same way that trump means it. He just has a blue tie on and sits on the left instead of a red tie and a seat on the right. Not one of these motherfuckers is different or better than any other. The only thing trump does differently is he brags about what a piece of shit he is and then feeds off of the

I’m 46, I hated the fuck out of the 80s during the 80s as much as I hate them now.