pop the bubbles

Guess what. People’s feelings are the most important thing in the world to them. That’s human nature.

Qualified to what? Qualified to continue wars in the middle east? Qualified to continue selling access politics? Qualified to watch her rich friends get even richer? Qualified to support the financial institutions, health insurance companies and lobbyists who donated hundreds of millions to her campaign?

And this is going to be shocking to you, but those people DON’T CARE. Trump was no better or worse than Clinton to them. I know you can’t possibly fathom that, but it’s true.

Vermont’s a weird place. It helps that there’s low population density. Not very ethnically diverse. Their capital city has something like 50,000 people. No town over 150,000. Tons of hippies. No one cares if their neighbors smoke weed or stockpile guns. People just kind of leave each other alone.

This is getting tiresome...HILLARY CLINTON WAS NOT PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE TO 10s OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. That’s why she lost.

I don’t doubt it, but they’re overwhelmingly non-college educated. In a free market, they’d lose that ‘privileged’ wage because of competition. That’s why they’re trying to keep people out. Essentially, they’re exercising monopoly power and like all monopolies and cartels, they’ll fight like hell to keep it.

On a smaller scale, Kim Ogg won Houston DA, replacing the republican who locked up a rape victim for a month.

I don’t know what it is, but I’m going to assume it’s higher than median income because a) it’s mostly white people. b) it’s largely skilled, but uneducated labor like plumbers, construction workers, mechanics, etc who make good money.

A green party supporter is going to stay home or avoid voting for a candidate who supports increased military involvement in Syria, building more pipelines, and continued support for the NSA.

Christ you people are dense. People didn’t vote third party because they didn’t grasp the stakes. They voted third party because:

Or maybe, just maybe, having a job is a serious concern to a lot of people, particularly in the rust belt. Those people who have always been democrats because they’re pro-union, pro-working class, suddenly dropped the democrats this election. Could it be because Trump promised to bring back jobs and Hillary had wall

Stein voters were #NeverClinton. Stein not being in the race doesn’t magically turn them into #yayClinton

How graceful of her to collude with the DNC to de-legitimize other candidates during the primaries.

And that’s precisely how we got to where we are today. Obama’s message ‘hope’ and ‘unity.’

Again, you’re assuming that all Jill Stein voters would vote for Hillary Clinton. The fact is those people voted for Jill Stein because SHE WASN’T Hillary Clinton.

Do you have a choice? Democrats control nothing. The majority of the states are in republican control. The executive and legislative branches of federal government are under republican control. The Supreme Court soon will be as well.

No one saw this coming...except for the people that did.

No, fuck all you people who forced Hillary Clinton onto us. We told you this would happen. We warned you this would happen. What was your response?

Hi, I believe the only reason Hillary Clinton didn’t win is because third party candidates stole the election. 100% of third party voters would’ve voted for Hillary Clinton. I know this because reasons.

Florida results: