pop the bubbles

Biden would have won.

eh, fuck clinton. she took states for granted nobody should have taken for granted. ... oh, and, while we’re about it, fuck you, pennsylvanian democrats, wisconsin democrats, and michigan democrats. just... fuck you.

Wooden Clubs? Typical pussy libtard, trying to take away our guns. Fucking commie. Move to Canada and play pussyball you hippy.

White people born in countries with a majority non-white population are still, wait for it, white people.

Cannot wait for the NFL in Trump’s America. It will revert to its original form: two teams of 50 men bludgeoning an endangered whale with wooden clubs in a stadium filled with hundreds of thousands of screaming fans. The game ends when one team strikes the killing blow or the stock market crashes. Whichever comes

Nah, the Dems and the DNC took the AA and Hispanic vote for granted. She didn’t even visit Wisconsin once during the campaign. These are the people that she needed to turn out to win. They were begging for a reason not to vote for Trump and she never even showed up to give them one. They have no one to blame but

I learned that you are clearly a misogynistic misogynist if you think anything other than misogyny caused this misogynistic mess. Don’t criticize Hillary’s perfect campaign, misogynist! Misogyny.

They got there my friend - they just didn’t vote for Hillary. Trump doubled AA vote that Romney got and got 33% of Hispanic males and 26% of HIspanic women. The Hispanic vote may have actually won Florida for him... think about that.

This is, by far, a better morning after take than the ones over on The Slot that, so far, are only blaming Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, and their voters.

Please also speak to hunters if you want to preserve public lands. They’re big public land supporters, but frankly they just get shit on 24/7 by the left because they hunt. Wildlife management for increasingly limited lands requires keeping wildlife populations and manageable levels for the habitat and a great way to

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

This is an especially idiotic hot taek.

Funny, none of you had any issue when you demanded he come out and support her despite incriminating emails showing how much she tried to underhand a member of her own party!

Nobody within a state in the electoral college system is any more responsible than anyone else for that state’s outcome. Don’t be an idiot. People that voted for Stein in a non-swing state did the only ethically appropriate thing there was to do. In the swing states, every eligible voter was equally responsible for

Trump did better with minorities than Romney in 2012.

You’re asking people around here to analyze this objectively. Good luck with that.

You’ve done a great job here pointing out a phenomenon known as “point-and-laugh liberalism.” Maybe if the Democrats adopted the a policy of unconditional respect, one that was advocated by... what’s his name.... the old white guy from Vermont, we wouldn’t be staring at this goddamn travesty. These people are

I’d add that anytime they were spoke to, they were called racist, sexist, xenophbic, uneducated bigots. Apparently you shouldn’t alienate one of the biggest voting blocks in the country.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

It was the DNCs fault for not picking the best candidate. Nobody owes anyone their vote. Votes have to be earned.