
I thought this was common knowledge that otherwise identical products for men and women cost more for the women’s version. For years I’ve been calling it “the vagina tax.”

-signed- someone who will never understand why women’s deoderant is smaller than men’s and yet costs more


see: ICE


“I’m going out on a limb here but you wouldn’t be a former Boy Scout now would you?”

“I wanted to leaf but that plan was a wash.”

Kerry: “I dunno, but canoe give me a hand down?”

*groan* ...this thread will be flooded with puns now.


Rescuers: “Water you doing up in that tree?”

I’m going to assume he is telling the truth that the Trump thing was a joke, since he clearly didn’t work his way up from anything but the penthouse.

However, this: “...I don’t think we should go around the world and impose democracy on everybody. Some people just aren’t made for democracy. Some people just need a

I have read so many articles, seen so many videos and images, all of which have horrified and depressed me. I am not sure why this particular bit of video caused me to burst into tears, but it has and I feel like it won’t stop for awhile.

Dear god, if there was ever a time when I wished that “fired” really did mean “out of a cannon, into the sun.”

Local cat is all “I brought the kid dead mice, why is nobody giving me accolades for trying to feed him solids? He’s two! He can handle it!”

What the fuck kind of Cobra Kai is that?

No, she and her lawyers understand she’s full of shit, but she’s determined to go down on the wrong side of history, and they’re thrilled to bits to let her to bring more publicity to them and their bugshit cause.

Saw this yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I keep asking people how this stunt is any different from that whole “Sharia Law” term that gets thrown about in horror by Christians. Isn’t that fear, in essence, a group of people holding the laws of their faith above the laws of the land?

Here, here.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Kim Davis’ understanding of religious freedom is seriously flawed. The marriage license only indicates that the couple has met the legal requirements to qualify for marriage. It does NOT confer religious acceptance of the marriage, so her religion isn’t being violated as far

A nation where Christmas decorations start appearing in stores before Labor Day can not possibly be a nation where Christians are oppressed for their faith.