
Pretty predictable—it’s way too soon for him to start his redemption tour. Isn’t rule #1 in the crisis PR handbook to lay low for a while? Of course he was gonna get heckled. (Hopefully they didn’t do anything except embarrass him.)

lenny’s last fuckable day is defined not so much by the length of his life, but of yours.

No wonder he walks that way...

omg I needed a warning for Steven Tyler’s right foot.

Drake’s “ranch-style home has five bedrooms and a guest room

It took too long of a scroll to get here.

This may seem trite, but I became addicted to the Surreal Life one spring break in high school. Alexis was one of my first introductions to not only the concept of transgender, but gender fluidity. Alexis was obviously very loved by family. Don't make this death about pronouns. It's about a person.

Hey, friends! Join me in the Not Wrestling Over the Gendered Language section. Alexis was fantastic and great and was loved by many. Instead of being self-appointed pronoun monitors, let’s love on Alexis’ memory and realize some people will have it right and some people will have it wrong. AIDS sucks, brain tumors

So many times a week does everyone accidentally go to Gawker? I’m sitting at 2-4. Slowly getting better.

I get annoyed at the tip, “wear all one colour, it lengthens you/makes you look taller.” I’m 5'2", I don’t give two shits about looking taller — it’s just not something I’m self-conscious about. I just have a big personality that makes me seem taller. ;)


A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs.

The funny part is this pregnancy has literally destroyed my fucking body. I have to wear support garments, rest on my side at least 12 hours a day, can’t drive myself very far, and can’t exercise. I’ve also been puking and on anti nausea meds for this entire pregnancy. It’s been the most hellish thing I’ve ever done.

Meanwhile, I told my therapist what mansplaining was this week and he (an older white dude) thought it was perfect and couldn’t believe he hadn’t heard what it was yet!

1) Doesn’t the very fact that the interviewer had to repeatedly stress to Trump not to get into the specifics of his intelligence briefing make the entire point about Trump not being fit to be the President?

Who here was aware of this?

This was delightful. And thanks for the reassurance that Bobby is fine, if possibly embarrassed about a coffee order!

Mom always said: find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Topanga also decided not to attend Yale to go to some flunkie school in Philidelphia so she could be with Cory in Boy Meets World.

Ladies, don’t be like Topanga.