
She continued: “It also claims the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin, which would be a capital offense, but oh my God, DJT likes to douse beds in floozy pee!”

I would say that they range from very intelligent to very lackluster students who would have a hard time getting by at any college or university actually, based on personal experience. Same for legacies.

OK, unless my ears deceive me, if you watch the video after they peck on the lips, he says that they know each other so well she is a sister to him, and JLo looks for just one fleeting moment like she is going to die or kill him. Am I wrong here?

dont make me defend trump on this point. He’s definitely saying big league. Not bigly. It’s a common phrase around these parts.

Sometimes I wonder, can we turn Tiffany? She’d be ideally positioned to blow the whole family out of the water with inside knowledge. I think I may make a planned parenthood donation in her name.

Big league.

“a diamond bracelet for $128.98 and sequin throw pillows for $87.98.”

Four years is fantastic. maybe theres a non AA group nearby? My husband just joined a meet up/type meeting because he doesn’t agree with AA either.

Thank you. Came here to say this.

Exactly, it’s not evident by sight who needs a seat, if you can stand, stand and let someone who needs to sit, sit.

When I was pregnant, men (and to a lesser degree, women) would harass me about not sitting down on the subway. People, it squeezes my organs uncomfortably to say the least. If you would like to give a pregnant woman your seat, just stand the fuck up, no need to insist that the person take you up on your gallantry.

Boom. Exactly. He’s an empty pokemon ball.

I dont know why I love this so so so much.

Thank you Jamaica Kincaid.

I don’t understand the handwringing in the comments—

ALmost exactly the same age as my two. I cant believe you can maintain so many items packed. I bring some money or an atm card, three diapers and wipes. Sigh, I wish I were better at keeping them stocked in all those things.

You have one child though amirite?

It’s interesting to see Donna Rice appear again, this time essentially endorsing Donald Trump. Guess she switched parties?
