
he says what he thinks? — no, thinking is an active process requiring analysis and judgment. He blurts out the first words that his lizard brain is able to produce. It’s like hitting that spot on your knee and calling it dancing.

Me too. My dad was so smart and funny and skewered everyone.

My son used to love this show—love it deeply, and i am so sad that hes over it because it was hilarious. He was 3. AT 5 he’s too gendered to remain a fan. Says its for girls.

What now? Is that like a dimple implant?

I love it when she says “don’t copy me” with Missy.

It was the most genius line in the whole thing. Bravo.

I am totally using this with my child. And citing Mami Hurricane, of course.

Ditto. 1,000 times #TEAMCALVIN.

I’m always suspicious of claims that a latino looks like a chihuahua, but that creature feature is a match.

I love the last line to this because Carson’s comments sound exactly like a pre-K teacher at parent teacher conference night. Oh you know, he’s not thinking and he’s not very aware of where his body is yet, but he’s learning!

While we’re at it, we might as well aim for just fuck the enthusiastic.

Never been prouder to be the first to star something. Someone should make an app that replaces all pictures of this jerk, and his father, with this picture.

Thanks sorry to overshare! Yes, theres a reason that there is a “proper” order to things!

I hear this story a lot. It happened to me. And I was also seriously fucked up by the realization that I was not the only one, and that he was looking at others. Took me a long time to understand that the relationship I’d defended for so many years as an exception to the rule had really damaged me in ways I wasnt

The fact that the publishers are grown, adult women who refer to themselves as “girls” ** in a professional setting *** is all you need to know to understand how this happened.

That you should take a picture of your vagina before labor so that it can be returned to normal if there is tearing or cutting during labor.

Searcy, you can get more for this.

I’d like to suggest that the Double Creature Feature have ts own article from now on

Look up cardamom seeds, worked for my husband.

I dont know why but I also want to add, who cares what they’re wearing on main street or saville row, it’s what you wear from ear to ear, and not from head to toe. And by all this I do not mean to give you license to tell women to smile.