
Also, the person she “left” her child with was that child’s other parent. If it was a succession of hired nannies I might be willing to entertain some speculation (although being raised primarily by paid help has worked well enough for enough people for long enough that I’m not even really ready to raise an eyebrow)

You seem fun.

Whenever my mom sees this snake on TV, she says “isn’t he the guy that used to flirt with you and your female reporters when you were a news intern in college,” and I have to say “Yes. He was disgusting.” Glad things haven’t changed since 1998...

I would have loved to play dress up in a gown that magnificent as a kid. It’s like peak dress up.

What the actual fuck is this even? It's like joke maternity photos making fun of people who take them too seriously except I'm pretty sure they're serious and I don't even know. I just can't.

Get them a damn water for that thirst.

Oh, they get even thirstier

She looks so healthy and happy lately.

Britney is going to look pretty damn good on the carpet:

I miss the Worth It column. I picked up several recommended items (Dodai’s favorite slip is still on my Amazon wish list), and picked up more recommendations in the threads on those posts. It would be Worth It (hyuk) to bring that feature back.

This palette looks great. Thanks for the rec!


As a college professor I can only speak from my experience and here it is: trigger warnings are used by students mainly as a way of getting out of work or for not having to read literature that they don’t want to. In legit cases (such as a veteran fresh from Afghanistan who didn’t want to watch a segment of Band of

Yeah it’s kinda faintly bleachy

Someone tell T-Pain that the trick is to get on and get off before you form a vacuum seal.

Me, too. It’s one of my faves. I hope she wears it more.

I named a doll Jeffery. Big mistake because soon after Jeffery Dahmer was arrested. My dad started calling poor Jeffery, Chop-Chop.

I am so sick of her not being exactly what everyone wants her to be all the time. It’s like she isn’t even trying to take all of our criticism simultaneously. I liked her at first but then she was too likeable and now I hate her but she just keeps being Jennifer Lawrence and I am just like HELLO, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR

Totally overrated, while Melissa is totally underrated.