
Preeeetty sure Britney (and all of her money) is still under the control of her conservators... The clothes and signed albums are probably the only thing that is truly hers to give...

We’re old. Mazel!

If you want to go that way, what about Darrell Hammond? He’s been playing trump for at least twenty years

The problem is that anyone who could do a decent approximation of Trump’s ridiculous shtick (Anthony Wiener or Alan Grayson) can’t be associated with the campaign. Maybe Al Franken or Barney Frank could do an okay job.

I call my sister randomly, yell “TOEPICK” at her and then hang up.

I wonder how many of the folks here in the comments saying what she said was ok are trans? Let’s reiterate for those who may be slow on the uptake: even if you disagree with someone, that doesn’t give you the right to undermine their identity with impunity. Don’t misgender trans folks.

Yea I’m pretty sure that this was more what she meant. But nonetheless it’s a shitty joke and a stupid thing to write. I found that a lot of her tweets make me want to tell her to mind her own damn business.

Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.

Shouldn’t one internship be enough? How much free labor are we allowing companies to squeeze out of kids? Dickens would shit himself over this.

2016 is terrible.

I don’t understand the handwringing in the comments—

and her arms move.

Yeah, anybody can block anybody on Twitter. If the first I hear of you as a person is you up in my @s yelling at me about something (at the same time that THOUSANDS OF OTHER PEOPLE ARE ALSO YELLING AT ME IN MY @S) I would feel no compunction blocking you, and fuck anyone who tells me I am obligated to patiently let

Can we not blame Amy Schumer for the assholery of men she may have employed/known? Let’s stay focused on the true jerks who deserve our anger.

I am an XXy woman. I successfully conceived and delivered my child. I have naturally occurring high levels of testosterone. I am also a sofa schlub. There’s no way in hell I or my android pelvis could perform as well as the *LEAST* testosterone laden of the competitors.

Eh, Trump (Donald I mean), lowered the bar in the first place. And considering Ivanka is an active part of his campaign, she’s fair game. So I’m fine with this personally.

I probably need to look into why this annoys me so. But I’m not going to. This annoys me. I’m annoyed. And I’ve decided to be okay with it.

A thousand bucks says they were robbed while trying to buy blow.

I kinda think that’s hilarious, tbh.