
It’s never clear who any of these live-action adaptations are for. Fans of the animated series certainly aren’t asking for them. People who are aware of the animated series but never watched it don’t care. Is it for people who’ve ever even heard of the originals, like Warrior Nun? That was so different from the source

It isn’t. Being a bit older I was never an Avatar kid, so I only saw it last year. And I can say that this rendition lacks the soul, joy and expression which the original had - and whatever you thought of the writing in the original, this is much worse. After 2 episodes I had had my fill and then some of children

It’s also why the arts, especially hand-drawn animation need to be respected as they’re good expressions of easily recognized humanity. Those how cast off their humanity in favor of ego or profit don’t usually understand or relate to the arts.

It’s the problem with getting an ensemble cast of age-appropriate live actors.

I’ve seen a bunch of clips on social and woo boy, best I can say about it over the M. Night versions is at least there’s inflection in the dialogue and the characters look the part.

Are there still people out there that think once the framing device dropped in season 1 that that show was anything other than a generic cop procedural with good cinematography?

Understood, but no one should be happy that a faceless corporation, Wells Fargo which serves as her creditor, is the one that initiated the guardianship which has deprived her family access to the woman.

specifically so people would stop arguing about season 4 on his post about his father dying.

I wouldn’t blame yourself here. The idea that we should even *care* about whether a creator is kind of an asshole* is relatively new.

This is one of those times where I suddenly wonder if he was always this guy and I was just too stupid to notice. See also: John Campea’s relentless sucking of David Zaslav’s dick.

I think he’s a knob and that TD season 1 was only decent because he had Cary Fukunaga babysitting him, but to be fair, you edited out the part of his post where he said he created the thread specifically so people would stop arguing about season 4 on his post about his father dying. 

Wait 10 years, after our second Civil War, when every other thinkpiece will be devoted to that very thing.

Family is a four-letter word to a great many of us.

I can’t speak for WW, but my family would rob me blind much faster than a stranger. I’d be in the cheapest home they could find inside a week while they sold off or stole everything I owned. And they would feel 100% justified I’m sure, but fuck them, I’ll set my shit on fire before they get a fucking penny.

The way Colin Farrell delivers that line with psychotic earnest while chewing the scenery actually works though.

Thank you. Every single season so far has thrived by creating an atmosphere of lurking dread that’s a little occult in nature. Each season then undercuts that atmosphere with “reveals” near the season’s end.

Knowing this I stilll come back each time! That’s how much I love the vibes and take each season’s weaknesses

In Season 2, Pizzolatto literally wrote the line, “I will come back here and butt f*ck your dad with your mom’s headless corpse.” I think whatever mantle he held regarding quality or “classic dialogue” ended right there. Also, so much of what made season 1 what it was the acting and direction. Many of the ideas were

Coming from Pizzolatto I’d say it’s probably half misogyny, half egomaniac showrunner/control freak.

For a show that coasted so much on *vibes* Pizzolatto sure has a high f’ing opinion of his own fun but stupid writing.

I can’t help wondering if there is some misogyny in this and a lot of other criticisms of the season. Honestly, it may be my favorite season of the show.