
I mean, I know I love paying $100k to be a beta-tester!

Nah, that’s for the off-lease trucks that cost $90k new but are now a deal at $60k.

It’s a $60k+ truck. It’s supposed to $60k+ truck things. Like

Starships are like cities and galaxies are so large, even if you were to stay “local”, it could be years before you get back to the same port. If Roddenberry didn’t think people onboard ship should be in relationships with one another, it was only because he had not yet stretched our imagination that far.

And, on sister show Angel, we got the Avenger’s Hawkeye as a serial killer vampire!

Don’t forget Principal Quark

Which would have been an incredibly impactful worthy the end of the show, but at least we got Once More with Feeling out of what came after.

I rewatched Buffy during lockdowns and couldn’t believe it when he popped up!

As fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer well know, she saved the world a lot

Overwatch’s PvP gameplay just turned out to be very difficult to adapt for PvE. Mostly because of how differentiated and PvP-oriented the hero kits are,” they were living in a bubble back in 2019. But even just blaming “Blizzard Quality,” no, no, no, you guys may need some checks and balances. Why do you need so

A game more akin to Vermintide/Darktide with character powers and weapons designed for PvE could have had potential to be amazing. Reusing the existing Overwatch was absolutely a mistake. I was skeptical since the Overwatch 2 announcement due to my experiences with the anniversary missions: mildly fun but an ill fit.

The difference between George Lucas and Gene Roddenberry is that Roddenberry died relatively early in the lifetime of the franchise, and since he is no longer around to remind us all how terrible he is, then it’s easy to fill in the gaps and pretend like he was a saint who made no bad decisions whatsoever.

DS9 violated a bunch of Gene Roddenberry rules (no religion, no wars, no inter-personal conflict) and is the best Star Trek there is.

As the article outlines, they can’t decide what the focus and scale should be for single-player mode, in a game specifically designed from its very core to be an online PvP shooter with no AI elements in regards to squads and level layout. Trying to do so has in turn sabotaged the thing it’s supposed to be, so now the

Shatner’s got some nerve calling out people’s appearances as “stunts.”  His last outing as Kirk saw him travel through time so Picard could see him get crushed to death by a small footbridge that was spanning 2 boulders.

That’s not really the point though. Its that they promise something, then abandoned it. And then they promised something else, and are probably going to abandon it too.

that includes crew members not making out with each other

As soon as they shut down OW1 and launched OW2 sans the PvE mode, the writing as been on the wall that it was never going to happen.  

This is all down to useless leadership that rarely ever face consequences for their terrible, awful, no-good decisions.

No I agree, I hate the paper doll style animation. It’s jarring and makes games that use it look cheap