
Getting fucked dry never feels great and I feel bad when it happens to folks.

The Spice BE flowing.


This is my take away as well. 

Yeah, sounds like he took the cowards path with this film.

Texas and California aligning together on that may be unlikely, but I wouldnt say it’s impossible”

Answer - The Constituion is a suicide pact that only one party is willing to take seriously. Continuing to cling to it like the soggy childs blanket it is might be the single fastest way to lose to facism.

Everything about this film, including the directors comments, make it sound like a wet-fart. And I liked his other work.


wait, wait wait, before i laugh at you...

Geoff is the one who presents himself as an ambassador to\from gaming. No one ever asked him to come on stage, point of fact no one wants him to come on stage.

I have a deep disdain for this shallow man, this dude with zero creative talent who has latched himself onto the games industry like a giant parasite. 

It is an almost comic waste of resources in pursuit of vanity projects with no tangible goals. Humans will never colonize outside this planet, we will never live in space.

I can’t wait for hacks like you to be unemployed.

Tyler Perry’s filmography is exactly what I picture when I try to envison a future where films are made by AI.

watching these fail is unbelievably satisfying. 

Good good, had no desire to pay for Diablo 4

That’s just using theft of other artist’s work to generate some slop.  Not exactly what I would call “useful”. 

If it has seasons or battle passes, I don’t want it. Hell, I actively root against it.

Then he shouldn’t have starred in the decent-to-awful popcorn films almost exclusively for 15 years?