
Only Up! basically has you running through an obstacle course and parkouring through it gradually escalates.”

Beg pardon?

The game is a manufactured Foddian/Getting Over it game meant to cash in on Twitch streamers trends to get its 15 minutes of fame for free advertising of its NFT bs called goblintown. So you’re telling me this possibly may have used an asset without permission? I’m shocked, shocked, i tell you.

So what? So tired of hearing “rush” as being an excuse.

Preventing all of the $5 copies on store shelves after it releases broken anyways.

aka “we don’t want you to be able to buy this used or at any price besides what we set”. digital only sure is some bullshit

Oh neat he’s charging $15 for a game he doesn’t own the rights to. What a great idea, I’m sure there won’t be any issues with that...

This dude really wrote six angry paragraphs about Reddit drama and ended it by calling other people “keyboard warriors.”

“Now, please let all of the uber-entitled keyboard warriors eager to take up the cause of the week flame me below. Your rage fueled tirades will only serve to make me laugh.”

I like how you write your own tirade and then just immediately, preemptively shut down any possible response by dismissing them as written by

Nothing screams “I’m not bothered or riled up” like a wall of text about how funny it is to you. Reddit is (soon to be was) a platform run by its users, ya dink. All your presuppositions are wrong

Theres one little problem with this argument. The issue isn’t that Reddit wants to charge for it’s API, but that the amount they want to charge is astronomical and way higher than other websites such as Imgur, and the extremely short timeline they gave with pricing information.

Owls have very small brains. Their eyes take most of their skull’s space. All in all, they’re not really smart, even for a bird.

MW2 can’t afford to not have dedicated servers” lol

I feel 2D Sonic (at least the good ones) do revolve around platforming accuracy (at both high and low speeds) but it’s just a different type of design.

This is what 2.5D was invented to describe. 

It’s called a 2D game because you only move in two dimensions. This is a 2D platformer. Smash Bros is a 2D arena fighter.

Square Enix reading your post:

So they can create another version of the game a year down the road.  

Atlas seems to have this weird thing where they don’t want to ever include FES or PSP content in any of their re-releases of 3. It’s baffling because The Answer portion of FES is still absolutely canon to the overall Persona plotline (as much as there is one) and is even better then the base game imo.

They’re getting upset prematurely. You see the twist in the remake is the FEMC comes back from an alternate timeline as the main cast is fighting with “Destiny Personas” who try to make sure everything remains on the same plotline. It’s brilliant, you see. No one wants to play the same story AGAIN, just go play the

They’re cutting FES and P3P content? It’s the original base game only? WFT? Why would they even bother doing this if they’re going to cut literally ALL of the additional (and better) content?