
It’s not that use of fast travel necessarily means the world is boring, but it almost always means that there’s a disconnect between what the player wants to do at that moment and what the developer intends for you to do. Even in an extremely caringly designed world like Elden Ring, there’s still plenty of reason to

It’s been wild to see reception of Heroes change over time. I played the game when it released and thought it was fine for my first run as Team Sonic, but really soured on it the more I played (since you have to do it four times to get the Doomsday Zone final boss) since it was so repetitive and janky.

I recall player

I imagine it’s large open zones you can go visit, maybe set up a tent to restock and store items gathered.

They’ve been leaning into this large, seamless areas in which you can traverse, research endemic life, and hunt monsters. World introduced some pretty intricate maps (Ancient Tree, for example), and then Rise gave

I haven’t touched Overwatch for a long, long time, but it’s wild to me that $25 is the price for character skin packs in OW2.

It’s probably just me being practical with how I spend, but $20 gets me Wargroove 2, Symphony of War, 30XX, or a variety of Yakuza games, $17 gets me Gravity Circuit, the same $25 gets me

Okay, then they can raise prices.

Players can wait for the games they want to play to drop in price after sellers decide they don’t want a surplus of software filling their warehouses- even Nintendo published titles are going on decent discounts in their first year from online stores (Zelda: TotK was $47 new this last

I mean, the horror elements of the demo were pretty light. You’re given some context that you’re probably not Mita’s first victim- like when you go into the bathroom to get the scissors but you find additional cartridges that have men’s names on them, but right before things would get potentially frightening, the demo

This went from instant buy to instant ignore real fast. I’ve purchased this game three times over, with the original release, FES, and P3P. Nicer looking graphics isn’t enough to warrant buying a fourth version, to me.

If they’re cutting all FES content, then that means no Elizabeth hangouts, no Aigis social link, no

An updated version of Persona 3 that allows you to control your party members, lacks the party fatigue mechanic (which was a massive annoyance when trying to maximize time in the dungeon), and has the cutscene treatment from the first game + FES would be phenomenal! 

Has Discord even implemented a method to search for an exact string? If you can, I have no idea how, and would appreciate the info, if it’s possible to perform.

For example: Many of my favorite Magic: The Gathering related forums for sharing information have fled to Discord and shut down. My problem with Discord is

You can get new keyboard skins and I think they just recently added startup videos (though I added one I got from other intrepid Steam Deck users that’s the very beginning of the Cowboy Bebop intro lol).

Beyond that, it’s mostly stuff to fancy up your Steam profile. Backgrounds, profile pictures, stuff like that. I

Well, if your goal is to farm Steam points for use in the Points Shop, then leaving a /s is antithetical to those ends.

What’s funny is that Monolith Soft the developers of Baten Kaitos, Xenoblade, and more, are arguably better than ever.

The thing actually in decline was... drum roll please... G4.

I think what really gets me is that this article is pushing the idea that conservatives are mad at woke Chick-Fil-A, but not a single tweet the writer showed has more than 100 likes, even.

This isn’t viral, this isn’t even a thing. Not yet anyway.

Conservatives say and do enough dumb shit that you don’t need to

The reviewers talking about how the game is focusing more on the actual combat and strategy part of the strategy RPG sounds great to me. FE4 and FE7 are still my favorites of the series for a pretty good reason.

I enjoyed Three Houses- but its social interactions consumed so much time that I was completely exhausted of

Yeah, that update was incredibly disingenuous. Pretending that this is some kind of organized lobby is laughable- it’s just a bunch of people who don’t want them compositing their artwork in their copyright infringement speedrun keyword generator.

Weeks ago, AI generator enthusiasts were saying that the AI was merely

Bad Ben is close to this. It’s “interaction button” prompts the protagonist to curse, and it makes it quite possibly one of the best horror games of all time.

Today’s model is clearly an extension of that early rendering, and finally brings the VR platform past the likes of Fire Emblem: Awakening on the Nintendo 3DS, another game that lacked legs.

Yeah, exactly. Just the Switch port of Bayonetta 2 sold over a million copies, $4k vs $16k is a drop in the bucket (though I’m sure it adds up), but you think they’d prioritize the voice actress for the leading role of a series’ third entry.

I don’t understand what Platinum was expecting to do, here. Jennifer Hale is SAG, which means they generally get paid $1,000 an hour while non-union actors get $250/hr (probably less, given that $4k was their second offer).

So.... they threw Hellena Taylor under the bus to roughly pay someone else four times as much? I

Is it even legal to force a person to provide their identification while on a residential property in Alabama?

Obstruction of a government operation? That’s an absolutely ludicrous charge, no wonder it was dropped. What did they even think they were going to accomplish here?