
“While riding one, you might find the path blocked by goblins and have no choice but to get off and join the battle. Then as you do, a Griffin might swoop in and destroy the entire cart with one blow, forcing you to walk the rest of the way while cursing its name,”

There is a certain degree of mutual exclusivity. There’s a separation between S.Links and main story that I feel is slightly detrimental to storytelling. For instance, persona evolutions in P3 were pivotal character defining moments that you really felt were earned. Past P3, it’s relegated as a reward for spending x

It’s goofy and I can’t say I love the new mythical’s design but I like the inversion of the Momotaro story and I appreciate that it’s actually a little mission in-game instead of a distribution for the first time in ages (at least for new mythicals). I would love them to get back to sending you off to some remote

I haven’t personally played it myself, but I’ve seen lots of different gameplay of it as well as full playthroughs and I would have to agree. Repetitive, janky, bug-filled, and frustrating. 

Speaking as someone who bought a Dreamcast in college just for Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure, Heroes wasn’t underrated.  It’s as exactly as mediocre as it’s average Metacritic score would lead you to believe.  I think the only thing it really has going for it today is that so many worse Sonic games have come out

They got things so right with Arceus. However, Arceus was made by a team that had never made a Pokemon game before. This meant a team of Pokemon development newbies went up against the in-house team in the same year and absolutely wiped the floor with them. It’s like they got mad about it and decided to double down on

Absolutely no need for this to be a slideshow. 

“It’s still buggy, it’s still ugly, it still has some very Game Freak quality-of-life issues I can’t believe got through to the final product.

And this, above all else, is why no one should buy the games and certainly not any dlc, until Game Freak fixes the problems...regardless how much we may want to experience

No it’s completely because they want the subscription for updates. Otherwise they’d have an app that you can download map updates from your phone through bluetooth.

Alternative title: Ash-less Chaps

Come on, now. When I say “smaller streamer,” you really think I mean someone with that small of an audience? I just find it weird that Kotaku seems to have such a fixation with this woman. That’s all. I meant no offense, surely.

That too. Honestly I think that’s an underappreciated aspect; new player experience is bad, lapsed player experience is abysmal.

I have a buddy who has gotten into a similar loop as you, trying to come back, finding the game actively hostile to any notion of his return (and that’s with a clan of friends helping him to

It’s bad for new players, and its also terrible for returning players.

Pardon my ignorance, but any reason why?  am i missing something here

Scott Pilgrim is essentially the comics version of 500 days of Summer. People like it and relate to it for the wrong reasons without understanding the core of the story is that Scott is shitty.

Thanks WB, for again making it clear, for me not to purchase the game.

They’re going to mess with the story and setting so much that it’ll become stupid. They’ve already started the process by giving things stupid names.

Or they don’t want their characters pathfinding their way into an ankheg nest.

Don’t act like you never used Sgt Jamjars’ blessed zoomed-in first person view to stare at Humba Wumba’s giant jubba jubbas