
First “Supreme” that came to mind:

The Bucs have their bye week after the Bears game so Koetter will not make any switch before then. Although it’s entirely possible that Mack hits Fitz right in the babymaker and makes the decision for them.

See this re: the “You shouldn’t make $15/hour doing (menial task)!
(I/my buddy/Jim Bob down the street) doesn’t make that much, and he’s a (paramedic/soldier/nuclear safety technician) crowd.

Don’t ask why they make that much.
Ask why you, your buddy, or Jim Bob down the street aren’t making more.

Personally, I think that Real Salt Lake is the worst; did we crown a king while I wasn’t looking?

/quietly removes Urban Sombrero from own yard sale...

I’ll pay you $3450 to become a Lakers fan.

Next up: Detroit Lions.

Clearly, you were not a Leafs fan prior to the salary cap.

And Chicago is closer to the “cosmopolitan” end of Wisconsin. Us Minnesotans have the woodsy end of Wisconsin across our border.

My little sister moved up from Chicago to Milwaukee and actually just got engaged to a Packers fan. He is just about the nicest guy in the world and is more than an overprotective brother could hope for in a brother in-law. He bought her a Rodgers jersey for Christmas last year and I now plan on making a scene at

Every text of Sparano’s is the kind of text someone sends when they want to avoid someone. Richie needs to learn how to take a hint. 

As a Vikings fan I wanted him to stay!  His consistency was a much needed boost for the offense, and honestly people shit on him for dinking-and-dunking his way to a very good completion percentage, but he still had the benefit of Thielen and Diggs.  I really didn’t get the hate from my fellow fans, nor do I get the

Especially after the organized and very effective third-party run Sanders made in 2016 that cost Clinton the election.  (Oh, wait.  That never happened.  It was that Clinton ran the dumbest campaign in modern history that cost her the election.)

The best “sport” to nap to is NASCAR; it’s essentially televised white noise.

Don’t forget Ooey, Gooey Butter Cake!

Whiteside at least doesn’t try so damn hard. His sullen shittiness is 100% natural and authentic.

It’s the union’s job to make sure its members are taken care of financially. And if you would have been willing to trust the owners to fulfill their end of the bargain in a “smoothing”, then you’re a fool.

The only obligation a player has is to himself and his family. They can go wherever the hell they want whenever they want.

Neymar holds the same place as James Harden of the Rockets to me. Both are immensely talented, able to work all kinds of magic with the ball, but are unwatchable 90% of the time due to their constant attempts at theatrics / flopping.