
The movie came out in 1973, the time in which spoilers matter is debatable but definitely less that 46 fucking years.

If there was time on the clock the coach would rather let his offense start a drive so they can possibly score a touchdown.

I remember being pissed when Madden wouldn’t let me try a fair catch kick.

I’d do the same thing, either that or call in sick and make them wait an extra day to fire me.

Bit off on the year Bills-Giants was in Jan of 1991.

Didn’t read that article but as an SI subscriber since 1990 let me assure the quality of SI has tanked hard, starting at around 2012 to being barely worth the effort of flipping through it these days. If I was less lazy and set in my ways I would have dropped it years ago.

I’d take that deal in a heartbeat, Rosen at least has the possibility of an upside. I already know what Cousins is. Not sure Cousins would help with tanking though, he tends to beat the bad teams while losing to the good as shown by 9-7 last year and 2-2 so far this one, Cousins is a ticket to the middle of the pack

Unless Miami is dumb enough to trade for him and his fully guaranteed contract Minn is stuck with Cousins for one more year.

Mysterio has appeared in well over 10 comics, 100 would be closer.

We are the Vikings we could sign any QB in the league and would still be winless in the superbowl for 10 years or 100.

I hate the Packers but that sandwich sounds good. 

Tarkenton was a superstar mobile QB that got them to 3 Superbowls so I think you might be a bit off with your analysis.

I think I could name 10 better QBs just in the NFC, hell I would put all 3 other NFC North starters above him and I am a Vikings fan.

I think you might have my favorite burner name ever.

Fired from a shitty workplace and immediately hired for 96% of his old salary at a much better place.  That a clear win for AB.

Wildcard playoff teams

I agree there is nothing that bad about throwing a shoe.

I am a Vikes fan and he is the one I thought of too, Steve Grogan brings the world together.

Nope Eagles have lost to the Pats in a Superbowl Brady’s 3rd where McNabb puked.

I would say those analogies work. The White Sox one for the Chargers really holds since they are both overshadowed in their home towns.