
For $430 mil he can buy a lot of WS rings off folks who win them.

I was about to say I saw Griffey Jr. in his prime. Though I have not seen Trout live and baseball talent is hard to gauge on T V.

I enjoy watching the La Liga teams in Europe but for La Liga itself I would rather watch the local high school leagues over it. And I don’t think the local high school has better teams it is just that or any competition to be entertaining to me there needs to be more that 2 options to win it. La Liga lacks that to any

La Liga likely has better teams but no league where two teams account for 16 of the last 20 champion (58 of 87 alltime so I am not cheery picking an era)and 15 of the last 20 runners up counts as a good league to me. Hell Harlem Globetrotters games have more doubt about the outcome than La Liga seasons.

What better league is out there? Pretty much any other league I can tell you the winner of the title before match day one and be right most of the time. Not saying there are not great teams in other leagues but as a whole they tend to be foregone conclusion theatre.

My guess is that he is not being paid a max contract so while horrible doesn’t merit an article. I don’t want his ID made public because then my beloved Twolfs would max him too.

I wouldargue costing them wins right now is a good thing. They ain’t getting the 8 seed so we need to drop below the lakers for a better pick.

I would love for the Warriors to win the next 20 championships because that means the Lakers won’t get one til at least 2040. My Twolves won’t win one anyway so the best scenario is the Lakers not winning too.

They could be charged yes though if he copped to it than denying it would be bad. Lying to cops is obstruction of justice. The correct answer would be to lawyer up and plead the fifth. Odds are the local DA is not looking to hang the bettors.

Defrauding someone is still an illegal act even if it is in regard to an already illegal matter.

Sort of look at how the Nats were paying in a lot of that was defferred into payments in the far future. He choose to get his money sooner and a greater total amount. Granted he has to work three more years for it but I think everyone expects him to be a glorified pinch hitter (DH) by the time years 11-13 roll around.

One question why should a dude from Las Vegas (Harper) give a crap about DC’s sports rivals?

In response to your last question I think the answer is obvious, the guy who can get $330 million.

Like most situations in life the most likely answer is everyone is the asshole.

I agree 10:15 is a horrible time to eat. Dinner should be 7 at the latest and after bar drunken eating doesn’t start til at least 1 am.

You stole my comment, my age is different (older) but when I read that line in the article my thought was I haven’t made a new friend since 2010 anyone Ido things with I know I met either in college or shortly after.

I think a lot of that is because every team is in the south. The two northern most franchises are Salt Lake City and Memphis, it might as well be random European Cities at least then their would be cool accents involved.

Jerry probably knows enough to pay for the high class confidential sex workers.

No it should be called all the time so I have zero sympathy for those whining when it is called.

Or in this case it was the refs finally making the right calls. If an offensive player initiates contact it is an offensive foul.