
Contracts signed before the age of 18 can be repudiated on turning 18 so I can understand teams not wanting to signthoseunder18. If the contract works out in your favor you will watch it go bye bye if not then you are stuck with it. All of the normal risk none of the normal reward.

It makes sense, he won’t have to worry about the playoffs with the Padres.

The big difference is that in the UK almost all those teams have a ton of history for fans to connect to, and promotion and relegation means that there is a chance however slim that your local team and one day be PL champions after all it happened to Leicester City.

The stage racing is what caused me to stop watching NASCAR.

There was never an offer on the table where they would be fleecing the Lakers.

I assumed he was just referring to a “Gentleman’s Sweep” on team loses 4-1 but is never a threat to actually win the series so it is basically a sweep with a win to save some pride.

Vikings played for a year at the University of Minnesota stadium between domes and that was fairly recently. Also hosted a playoff game there. The Blair Walsh game.

I agree with you completely, as I said at the party I was at. I didn’t really care if the Pats won but I really wanted the Rams to lose. I just wish it had been by more.

Did you just say 100 to 1.... I like those kind of odds.

No championships there either.

Alright lets go with the assumption that he wants out of GS, he can get a max contract a number of places why pick the Knicks?

I will gladly be a fucking asshole if it means never having to see the Chiefs in a Superbowl.

The Five Civilized Tribes” living in Oklahoma during the Civil War did support the Confederacy sending units to fight in the war including General Stand Waite.

I did notice the opposing uniforms when it was aired and mocked that during the game. Not because of any imagined offense or PC-ness but because I always enjoy mocking people stupid mistakes.

If some one telling you Hue Jackson getting another HC job is a good idea than they are either trying to sell you something or an utter and complete moron simply put Hue is 11-44-1 as a head coach for a winning rate of .205.

The answer is no, no one else on the planet does and that is a very good thing.

No if he gets tackled inside the five there is just no story, since it doesn’t hurt the team once the ball was batted the worst case scenario was getting the ball at the one. He gets tackled at the 4 and he still gain them 3 yards , but no one would care.

The field is 120 yards long, the end zones are part of the field that is why catching a pass in them counts as a TD instead of being out of bounds.

Because Manchester City is fine with being abbreviated Man City, Manchester United would see Man U as an insult because that particular abbreviation started as a mocking insult related to the Munich Air Disaster.

I would say the best teams win the Stanley Cup, World Series and NBA championship a lot more often the best team wins the Superbowl. Since those sports have series rather than one game so the winner is usually the better team rather than the coin flip of a single game.