
I am rather neutral towards the change in format but I would have a hard time caring about the regular season in a league where 58%  or the teams make the playoffs, NBA and NHL are bad enough with 53 and 51 % respectively.

Canada and Austrailia do for the most part as well, I would guess NZ too but don’t basically it is soccer anywhere a different version of football is more popular such as American Football in US and Canada and Rugby and Aussie Rules in Australia and I know Ruby is the more popular in NZ which is why I would guess it

Sorry misinterpreted when you said three weeks left I thought you meant they clinched last night with the Vikes loss since to me clinching on Sunday, (which I fully expect them to do) would be clinching with two weeks left since it would be week 15 out of 17 leaving only two more to be played.

Bears have not clinched yet, thought they are only a half game from doing so, if the Bears lose out they would be 9-7 if the Vikes win out (technically not impossible but not at all likely) they would end up 9-6-1 and win the division over a 9-7 team.

Sadly there is nothing inevitable about the Vikings making the playoffs this year.

It’s capitalism clear and simple, asking one person to risk the potential to make millions for the sake of his fellow unpaid workers is kinda Commie talk you shoulder be careful with that.

If they can do it without hurting their draft prospects why not?

I am a Twins fan had any Twins pitcher thrown that same game in that same moment I would be arguing for them to be in the hall. Though I will concede there are some I would argue for less than others, so maybe one moment isn’t enough but a big moment combined with a career that is otherwise close is.

To my point of view anyone who has a moment like game 7 of 1991 should get in regardless of any other factors. (Though I might be biased because I am a Twins fan) To me the big moments are far more HoF worthy than any litany of stats.

How did Serena at the US Open not make this list?

I remember Reagan being shot but not John Lennon being shot and they were in the same year, Memories are funny things, for example I remember Monday Night Football games from when Cosell did them but my primary memory of Cosell himself is his Speaking of Sports show from the radio.

They should have qualified for hte WC but top ten? this isn’t the early 2000s anymore while the US isn’t hasn’t been horrible in soccer they have not sniffed the top 10 in a while.

Contender, heck they are currently tied for the lead with Dallas, and if you look at the last 5 games on the Redskins schedule all five are winnable even with Colt, Dallas has the Saints and then 4 meh opponents so it should be a close race though either will likely lose to whomever the top wildcard ends up being.

I am a Vikings fan so would love to have another reason to hate Aaron but like someone said above if one person uses every opportunity to talk about private shit in public and the other side politely refuses to publicly discuss things the one not talking is never the asshole.

I am a Vikings fan so would love to have another reason to hate Aaron but like someone said above if one person uses every opportunity to talk about private shit in public and the other side politely refuses to publicly discuss things the one not talking is never the asshole.

I couldn’t agree with your comment more, when a major tornado tore through the town I grew up in, I was very concerned and did call some people to see if they were alright and generally wished the victims well. There were some memebers of my family living in the town thati purposefully hadn’t talked to in over a

Not sure on the odds I don’t know the kid but giving a bunch of money to family would be one of the things I would instantly put as stupid with money, not that I haven’t done it but it is the equivalent to shoveling money into a hole.

Not sure on the odds I don’t know the kid but giving a bunch of money to family would be one of the things I would instantly put as stupid with money, not that I haven’t done it but it is the equivalent to shoveling money into a hole.

Yes I agree smart investing is better than doing nothing , but I was just saying he is likely fine even figuring in the 2% annual inflation, maybe not great towards the end but if $100k base gets eroded to $50k that still puts him above the current mean income ($48k) though below the median ($61K).

Touring the NASA facility in Houston is hella awesome