
I am a bit older since I was in college in the 90s and spent many a night in sports bar screaming obscenities at hockey games on TV, I will cheer against the Blakchawks but can’t hate them, all my hockey hate is eternally directed at the Redwings.

You don’t even need to invest that to live on comfortable forever. Lets say after taxes and everything else he has $10 mil left. He could spend $100,000 a year (more than the vast majority of the US lives on myself included) and not run out for 100 years. While he might never recover his jump shot he will not have to

For me I prefer lower scoring games because that builds anticipation and makes the big moments better. Once I have seen each team score a bunch I am zoned out and honestly turned the channel on the game last night right around the 4th quarter cause I was out of caring.

My thoughts are close to yours, it is like arena football but I already don’t watch Arena football so why would i watch it with NFL uniforms?

While I have never watched Last Man Standing and have no plans to sicne i didn’t care for it when it was called Home Improvement, I will defend Tim Allen, if you can find his coked up stand up from the late 80s before he got on tv sitcoms it was legit funny.

Yeah I haven’t look closely at the schedules involved. Though I do think 9-7 has a shot at the second wildcard. Not saying it will happen but I would put the odds at about 20 percent.

Not sure why they don’t have a realistic shot at the playoffs, they are in a playoff spot at the moment and it is not like there are a ton of good teams in the afc waiting for their shot. Out of the west you got Chargers and Chiefs most likely in, Pats in the east, Steelers in the North and Whomever wins the south but

No it would be like telling Dirk to go back to Europe. Continents and  countries are different things.

Their next 4 games are indoor which of those are you expecting to have snow?

How are they not co-workers? They work together for the same company in the same location and more of their work activities are together than me and any of my co-workers.

I would say the variance has increased in that time span my thoughts on the reason would be the increased reliance on the passing game, passing plays are much more volatile than running plays so as the league moves from being a run heavy league (1988 the NFL was mostly run first with the West Coast offense being the

While I have not done any comprehensive research the NFL would logically have the most variance of performance than the other leagues . You have the most players on the field 22 compared to 10 for the NBA, 12 for the NHL and between 10-13 depending on base runners for the MLB and a far lower sample size per season, 16

While I am not against getting rid of conferences, your comment doesn’t really lead toward that because all the teams you mention are in the west as it is and Sac is even in the pacific division with the lakers. (Although divisions are mostly gone)

That is in only 130 career attempts, most starters get about close to 400 attempts per season, so if we do the rough math of 390 equaling a season that would give him 36 for a full season as a typical starter. Which would be the second worst season ever the only one higher was in 1962. But even that QB (George Blanda)

Pro tip for you: No one who has to deal with customers gives a shit about their customers, it is just the folks that live on tips or commission that pretend to.

Why not go for the FG when down 31? the game is basically over kick and move on.

I am a non-smoker and I prefer smokey bars, if I am gonna pollute my liver I might as well get the lung while I am at it. Plus the smokey smell of the clothes can cause memory return for those blackout nights which is always appreciated.

I agree with Claifornia on this. I don’t care if it is always DST or always Standard but pick one and stay with it, no more fucking with the time twice a year.

Snow is much less depressing to look at than dead grass, and I live inside so the cold is not much of an issue.

As a Blues fan I would be on board with this.