
That shot was not tipped, and don’t call me Shirley.

I strangely feel the need to point out both of those plays were against the Vikings.

Real answer is University of Maryland- Baltimore County.

While I admit that Virgina doesn’t have the history of those other teams. Pack Line teams are the worst teams ever so I couldn’t be happier with the number 1 that it happened to, the sooner that system is gone from basketball the better the entire world will be.

Two don’t forget Bradford winning a Heisman that should have been Tebow’s.

It was a reactionary rule change due to players starting ot do it after every goal. I don’t mind it for big occasions or meaningful moments like this, but when players would do it for every goal no matter how little impact it might have it got ridiculous. I wouldn’t mind the rule going away, to me it is kind of like

While I would not have been upset by the card not being shown, I do think showing the card was the right call. It is the job of the ref to enforce the rules even the stupid ones, that said I also think the FA should rescind the yellow so it doesn’t count against the player for any possible card accumulation penalties.

If I remember my childhood taunts tight, I guess rubber.

Much larger sample size the larger the number of events the more regression to the mean as to results. Much like going 4 for 4 hitting in a game is a good day it happens multiple times every week across the MLB and doesn’t make a lot of news but someone going 40 for 40 over ten games would be the talk of every sport

Won’t roughly half the teams in any sports league in any year be below .500 after all the aggregate record for any sport league has to be exactly .500 since in each game there will be one win and one loss? This is true even in the NFL were ties count as 1/2 win and 1/2 loss for each team.

I kinda feel that way about most Boston teams, I was raised to hate teams from New York and LA so by virtue or rivalries I end up cheering for a lot of Boston teams.

Happening once is one to date occurrence is still everytime.

I knew that, but then again I have seen that happen before as well so I probably didn’t the first time i saw it.

No they are not but one of the facets of team building is getting a solid staff of 5 pitchers in the past rotations were shorter (fewer pitchers) but even in those days there could be serious drop off in 1948 the Boston Braves had two good pitchers and not much behind them and it originated a poem and the saying

Cutting games from the schedule would result in less money for everyone, no American sport will do that.

That would be the stupidest possible move. Butler was unlikely to re-sign from the very beginning. I loved the trade because we traded drek for a two year rental, but we got KAT under control (rest of the contract then restricted FA) for a while Butler walks at the end of this year so we would then be left with

Replying to myself to state that I didn’t give Hrbie enough credit his career BA is .282

the scary thing with that is that his batting average wasn’t terrible it was like .257 ish.

I met Hrbek once it was a truly awesome experience. It was on an FFA trip to a Gophers football game in 1990, (that might just be the most Minnesota clause ever typed) and before the game we had some time so as young highschoolers are wont to do me and a couple of  friends wandered around some and ended up passing a

I had a good laugh when they were referred to as cinema.