
the best home state sports hero for MN all time has to be Kent Hrbek, I don’t know what it is but I can’t get behind Thielen, I think it is because my high school used to play the one he went to and even though my HS time and his were over a decade apart a part of me holds on to the old grudges.

Tatertot hotdish is not a special occasion thing, we had that almost weekly when I was growing up.

Upvoted for the screen name.

It’s not stat but simple to understand in a month very few people will remember this game or the result. It will be years before people stop pointing out to Atlanta that they should have run more and tried to eat the clock instead of throwing when they were up 28-3. Granted different scale of the games involved but

The Bulls never signed a big free agent.  The Durant thing is the cause of 90% of the Dubs Backlash.

I don’t hate Phoenix but I know I could never live there. Anything above 80 is too damn hot. AC is great but unless I never leave the house I still have to deal with the heat.

That is why too much clothes changing.

They are on the hook for $90 million after this season for him guaranteed, so that alone will get him a second and likely third year at minimum.

Sadly not this year the NFC North plays the AFC East not sure where in the rotation the AFC West is so between 1 and 3 years. Trust me as a Vikes fan I would love to have the Raiders on the schedule as well.

Still fun you just feel guilty for a few minutes afterwards.

I hope Woj is right, but I still have a deep fear the Twolves will sign him.

What about the other two games? :)

The Twolves weren’t making the playoffs the minute LeBron signed in the West, he turned the Lakers into a playoff team and since the Twolves barely made the 8th seed last year they were the most likely to drop on out.

The Twolves could be touted as a greatly run franchise and free agents still wouldn’t sign there. For proof of this see the Kevin McHale years, this might gie them an excuse to point to but it won’t be the real reason they won’t sign.

A hit rate of three out of seven. (Faulk, Dickerson, Dorsett) two others that who had solid careers but not what you want from a #2 pick (Bush and Brown) and two big wiffs, probably a better percentage of success than for QBs drafted #2 over that same time frame.

Nothing about that mess  should make anyone feel anything close to better or good but at the very least Paterno was woefully ignorant of what was happening on his watch. And yes given the amount of autonomy and power major college coaches have  it was definitely his watch.

You definition of “better person” and mine are vastly different.

Nashville is not on the east coast there is the entire states of Virginia or North Carolina between any part of Tennessee and the Atlantic.

You should never mention the Wild in a post using an image of the blessed NorthStars.

If you are pointing to the DeadThings of all people to defend yourself you have already lost.