
No breaking the playoff drought was worth more that what the Twolves gave up so even if they got nothing they still win.

I think Garrett’s plan for job security is predicated on never  taking attention away from his boss, I doubt he has a plan for victory since that might give him credit which could upset his boss.

This is not true we have seen safeties win a game in overtime before.

No they fuck themselves in completely different ways.

I caught the end of this game and this article sums up by thoughts completely. If your opponet is gonna punt in that situation you let him you don’t call a time out to give him the chance to rethink things. Once I saw Carroll call the time out I was 100 percent certain it would bite him on the ass, there is one thing

I agree soccer is a great sport, my increased viewing of it was not a random decision, but for me it will never match American Football or the sports I grew up watching for the visceral thrill or agony they produce. I know this is purely because I started watching football in college instead of as a child.

I don’t see the Celtics as hateable at all, granted this is likely because I was a KG and Paul Pierce fanboy. KG from his time as a Twolf and The Truth because he went to Kansas.

How anyone can say this when the Lakers exist astounds me.

I agree with your point, I feel like a caveman at times because I am against the new rules but I have no issue with player safety the last thing I want is a bunch of concussions on cheap hits but the current style of offense that is encouraged by the rules is fundamentally unentertaining to me.

I know the NFL wants more scoring but the current game is driving me away. I have watched less football in the past 4 weeks than in any previous 4 regular season weeks. It is the same thing that happened in the college game, when it turns into passing all the time it is like watching a game of Madden only without the

This is where it is my pleasure of pointing of the meaninglessness of preseason records. Fun fact both the Lions and the Browns went 4-0 in the preseason before the seasons they went 0-16.

It wasn’t with real money involved but in NCAA Basketball 2006 you would be given the choice of doing some shady things in return bit a better change to land a recruit but with a change of being busted. I was always a hard risk reward choice for me on big men. for some reason I always had a shit ton of quality guards

I agree with you completely and that is the main reason I stopped playing video games (Ok that is a lie, I stopped buying them I still play a lot but am replaying older ones rather than buying new) I do not mind paying for games but when I buy a game I want to buy the whole freaking game.  I can handle grinding to

I don’t think any one has a problem with cosmetic purchases but paying money for skill increases which is not cosmetic is bullshit.

I stopped buy video games once pretty much every game required you to be on-line to play so I am obviously not the market they want to target but to address your 5th point.

Why wouldn’t I admit it. I would say very few people give their all every day they work hell i have had co-workers who snuck booze into jobs, so for the majority it is either admit it or lie, and I prefer to admit it.

It can be the norm and be a flaw. The two are not mutually exclusive terms.

I say sure, if I was not getting the contract extension I know I would pull a Kawhi and be out with a “sore knee” or other soft tissue almost impossible to disprove injury.

It means Bradford’s agent should get a Nobel Prize.

I had the same thought.