
It’s common in New England and the South, you know the places where Puritanical faux piety means drinking is bad and they have to act like it is but still want to get hammered.

Bears and Packers are in the East now?

You need a history lesson, the Patriots have a couple other Superbowl losses, Bears beat them by 36 and Packers by 14.

Everyone should thank the Vikes, no way in hell they would have won that Superbowl.

All beer is not good. there is the Beast for example or Cook’s or various others, including the Polish beer I bought once because I had never had polish beer before. It was expensive and not good.

Um twice is multiple times, anything more than once is multiple times. Multiple just means more than one.

$10 Mil, so less than what would be gained from playing this year on the franchise tag.

Yup it is even alluded to in the TV shows theme song, “Zorro, the fox so cunning and free.”

Still not the worst MLS name, that will always be Real Salt Lake, at least until someone can tell me which monarch sanctioned it’s founding. And even then it should be Real Sal Largo or Royal Salt Lake depending on which one language you want to use.

I agree with you but I also agree that both are likely getting exactly what they deserve as well. Both are acting in their best interests over the interest of the other party. Nothing wrong with that so neither is really the bad guy but that also means either is really the good guy. Just like any employee/ employer

I have noticed for my relationships they return to the pre-dating state. If I was friends with them before we started dating we tend to remain friends, if they were not then they disappear from my life. Now most of the women I have dated I was not friends with before so am not friends with now, but the ones I was

You would be wrong with the no titles part. 1970 NFL Champion Minnesota Vikings, the last one decided not in the Superbowl.

The 98 title game is still the worst thing I have watched live as a vikings fan. Possibly the Push off by Drew Pearson beats it but I was too young to care about it then.

Even before this Superbowl Philly had it better, The Phillies won in 2009 the last MN championship of note (WNBA does not count) was 1991 with the Twins.

Since I do this every year for this post and am never close to right, my official prediction for the Vikes this season 10-6 Wildcard winning in the wildcard round and losing in the divisional.

I would say that 87, 98, and 2009 were all worse than either of the blow outs. With the blowouts I could stop giving a shit in the second quarter and turn off the tv. With the close games it was misery for 3 full hours.

That is one that gets me, no plant juice be it soy or almond or whatever is milk of any kind. Milk by definition comes from animals.

You might be a Pats fan but you are most definitely not a college sports fan. Boston College are the Eagles, Boston University are the Terriers and don’t field a football team.

On the bright side they won’t lose to Bayern again.

The most likely result is probably most people watching neither. Using baseball for example no one really cares about the minors or college baseball, I think basketball will be the same way if One and done truly goes away. College will become an after thought and only the hardest core of hardcore fans will watch the