
Because those things cost money and no business ever will choose to do something that costs money over the same system run by others that produces similar results for you for free.

Baseball is the one sport I can brag about a championship in The Twins managed to do it twice. Granted those days are long past but I will always have 87 and 91, which help with being a Vikes, Twolfs, Blues fan in the other sports.

Isn’t that the outline of Mississippi? I figure that is the wrong thing, though I will admit my knowledge of Southern geography is lacking so I might be wrong

As a Vikes fan let me assure you had it come down to a kick there is no way in hell they make it. None. Zero. Zip. Blair Walsh is only the most recent not unique.

I doubt you will believe this but winning by the Minneapolis Miracle was worth all the stuff you mentioned and the ones you must be too young to remember, like Roger Staubach inventing the term Hail Mary after he beat the Vikes.

I agree that sporting events are not the most important of things but using world issues to excuse doing a shitty job it not a good tactic in any position.

You do realize they have gone to two, the most recent was just a couple of years ago when the Broncos beat them.

You can tell it is pre-season cause Harbaugh is laughing about it. If that happened in a game that counted you would be able to see his red ass from space.

If you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’

Informed people on ESPN? You really haven’t watched the network in a while.

You don’t need to watch football to call bullshit on the Jets making the playoffs, as is my tradition I have watched a grand total of zero minutes of the preseason, (not for any moral reason I just don’t waste my time on shitty games) but I can take five minutes to glance over any of the multiple projections out there

You could replace Mike Greenberg with a cardboard cutout of Mike Greenberg and the show would improve.

Have you ever watched a talk show of any genre? Nothing against Beadle but just about anyone could do the job of a show host, any of them, including the night time talk show hosts who are almost exclusively male in the list of folks who could be replaced by anyone with a mic with little difference.

I think it was in a previous edition of the Chiefs but couldn’t swear to it.  I do remember reading that story almost word for word before.

I loved those preview paperbacks. I even saved them, I have the 82 NBA one and 81, 84 and 87 for the NFL,I would read them over and over as a kid well past the seasons they covered.

It is strangely true, in the last few years my and My friend who is a Lions fan get together to watch the two games each year in a sports bar, over this time the Lions have won more than the Vikes, (or at least even) yet I honestly don’t see them as a rival the same way I do the Packers or the Bears.

It is real, one of those tidbits I love to torment my Lions fan friend with.

I am torn part of me is happy that ZMF is living a good life away from a bad fandom the other part of me feels like a kid on Christmas morning who unwrapped a present to see a Nintendo box but then opened the box to find it full of socks.

I believe he will be back. I believe like a kid believes in Santa, I need and want it to be true so badly that logic doesn’t enter into it. I look forward to that yearly rant more than I do any actual holiday or my birthday. It has to happen.

My favorite example of your first point is the end of the Vikings -Saints game, if the Saints player goes to wrap up it is likely game over instead he went for the big it, takes out a teammate and the best play in Vikings’s history (at least since 1980ish when my memories start) happens.