
I know it is not your choice and I didn’t mind it at first but dang I miss the days when this series had fun schools I barely knew of in it instead of the usual suspects.

How is it weirder than being a fan of any other sport? Heck The school I went to and have multiple degrees from isn’t one I cheer for even in the sport it is good at, (not football) but the one i grew up near is and the ones that play a style I enjoy watching will be.

That is the exact reason the Canes are my second favorite team, (favorite team will always be the one I grew up cheering for) how can anyone not love a team that dispenses with the bullshit goes out has fun and wins.

I would change Minnesota to Ole. A good and proper Finn name.

If you want to prefer soccer to hockey that is one thing but could oyu at least pick a league that bears a resemblance to high level soccer?

If you succeed in your mission I will buy you a beer and a shot if we are ever in the same bar.

I love the look on the woman’s face in that picture, you can tell she would rather be anywhere else.

The first amedment doesn’t apply to the NFL dumb ass. the first amendment to the US constiution start off:

Yes how dare reporter report on what is happening in front of them.

Not a Pats fan but I consider the 18-1 season far more impressive than the Dolphins in 1972, average point differential alone shows which team was better.

Same trajectory as most musicians but out some good music before getting famous and built a critical mass of fans then sold out and let corporate momentum keep him there.

I am glad the hit at the top is still considered clean. He turns his head and impacts with his shoulder to the midsection if that becomes illegal than there is no point on having a defense just turn it into the area league but outside and be done with it.

For me reading it was a lot easier to understand than watching it. In reading I could go slower to puzzle things out while watching the movie it is difficult cause I hate to rewind to catch what I missed.

I have had more than 3though who knows what will end up killing me, I wouldn’t bet against anything at this point.

I was thinking the same thing, in a face to face conversation those would be replaced by disinterested nods and unintelligible grunts of agreement.

I think the problem with defense is a mix of two factors, one since the 70s the NFL has provided rules changes that made it increasingly difficult to may proper defense. Pre 78 the best way to defend a pass was to prevent the receiver from getting off the line of scrimmage this was usually done with the hands and not

I did it once accidently. I was drunk and desides to sit on the groud “indian style” and somehow in the process back heeled my junk. Hurt like hell but on the upside gave my equally drink friends a good laugh.

I enjoy Association football plenty but to me it will never be better than Gridiron football, it is more like baseball, and perfectly enjoyable sport to watch and enjoy but lacking the visceral response that Gridiron football provides. 

I hope you are wrong on the points thing, I don’t think you are though. Once they start averaging 60 a game is when I bow out of watching the sport. If I want to watch a sport with a ton of scoring that is what basket ball season is for. 

At that point are you really playing football? Once you take out real blocking you are basically saying everything is a 7 on 7 drill.