
<laughs> No, no one gives Shurmur any credit and I for won was kinda happy he left. Best of luck with him.

You summed up my feelings exactly. I hope Cousins does well now that we got him but am very happy that the contract was shorter than i was afraid it would be.

That is true but this makes a good object lesson, rules don’t go away when the issue that causes them does.

Though it should be noted that Virgil had turned face and left the Million Dollar Man in 92 and Money Inc didn’t team up until 93 but I still approve of this cosplay.

Sort of, The PA argued for it so that players who met the 10 and 5 requirements (not many) could avoid being dumped into situations they didn’t want, in most cases that is going to a horrible team which the Orioles are. I don’t think any player has invoked it to block a move to a contender that I can remember before

Reading this article I decided on a whim to google image search the actress in question. While I am not sure Jimmy G will be as good of a qb as Brady I will say he has much better taste in women.

You aren’t. I have no issues with it, in fact I compliment anyone with enough sense to get out of Oklahoma at the earliest possible moment.

It is possible LeBron could beat them in the playoffs the next three year but very unlikely, the Cavs definitely won’t since LeBron’s move sent them and my Twolves back to lottery-ville.

I am on the same side with you on the playoff thing, besides the Twins wildcard game last year. I don’t think I have watched an non-WS post season game in a decade.

That will never happen while the playoffs might be unwatchable to you their ratings have risen every year since 2012 they aren’t going anywhere.

Most likely because most of the men’s tournaments are 3 sets like the women’s it is really just the Majors that stick to 5 sets for the men. We are far more likely to see the majors drop to 3 for the men rather than the women go to 5.

As a Twins fan I like this reallignment, move the Indians and Tigers away and get Seattle in return.

So almost like Southerners who pronounce it, “Bless your heart.”

You are overlooking the sheer joy that can come from being spiteful.

They can trade him to the lakers Yes but not for LeBron, free agents are on the team they sign til dec 15 by league rule.

LeBron can’t be moved from the Laker til Dec 15, same with any free agent., All free agents that sign a contract are with those teams til dec 15 by league rule.

I would add Danny Manning to the success list. Two time all star (while playing with the shit-tacular 90s Clippers) who latter in his career got a sixth man of the year award.

I hear that, if the NBA had relegation the Twolves would have gone down a couple of times.

Yes, the Twolves are not likely to win a championship ever, I would much rather they keep a group together that got to the playoffs to maybe get to the second round for what would be the second time in franchise history than fish for something better not get it and spend another 13 (not an exaggeration before this

Who else comes to Minnesota? In the franchises history the best free agent acquisition is Joe Smith and they used a shady deal giving his wife a job to circumvent the salary cap to get that done.