
I hate this team so much. The Vikings have brought me more misery over the years but they at least have the courtesy to fuck up by trying to get better. (See Hershel Walker trade and quite possible signing Kirk Cousins)

Because they play dozens of hands that are folded around and not shown on tv, so while you see every hand at your home games on tv you just see the best ones.

That is correct, but also the limitation of math, the chance of the straight flush pre-flop (post flop his odd were full zero because of what came out) is less than half a percent so it rounds to 0.

No other sport huh? Never watched an NFL game where in the 4th the team with the led and the ball drained 40 seconds minimum off every play clock then? Or a basketball game where the team with a lead waits til the last second on the shot clock to shoot despite getting better looks early in the clock? Or any hockey

I have never cheer for the Diamondbacks before or since then but I was their biggest fan that series. Game seven is one of the few times I have actually jumped to my feet and cheered while watching sports.

Latin for Youth.

One is his country the other his club team. Much like when LeBron James plays for the US in the Olympics and an NBA team for the NBA season.

I was about to raise the same objection as a Twins fan but then did the math and realized that yeah 87 and 91 were both with in the time frame but so long ago as to not really matter.

An asshole who got her people paid right away.

Proof we are not in the darkest timeline, I can easily see a chain of events where the Twolves don’t make the Butler trade and instead our the ones to match this offer as they continue to string together a streak of playoff less seasons destined to reach the mid 20s.

So you are a fan of victim blaming then? The Boston Tea Party was the illegal destruction of private property.

Or they realize that since they are not a governmental entity it in no way applies to them.

I like your idea. I was wondering what the over under is on number of games until someone gives him the Tomjohnavich treatment.

Then you need to get a better butcher.

I did not know this was the origin before but if I had been forced to guess I would not have been far off.

Even with it throwing competitive balance completely into the shitter I agree with the Unions call, take what you are due as soon as you can, the longer you give the other guys the more time they have to find a way to screw you.

6 of 8 for the Bulls, 94 and 95 were both Rockets.

Honestly it is not much different than it has ever been. In the 80s it was Lakers or Celtics pretty much every year, It’s not like Jordan’s Bulls had a lot of doubts going into any season he wasn’t playing baseball. the 2000s had the Laker being the superteam and everyone else fighting for scraps.

The League doesn’t care about ticket sales, tv money is the main source of income ticket sales are a nice side dish but not the main course.

Lets look at the glorious upside to all this. The Golden State dynasty could be responsible for making JaVale McGee, Swaggy P, and Boogie Cousins NBA champions, that is truly a wonderful thing.