
Not to mention the pitched ball is a live ball, so if there is no cather to catch it the batter can swing at any pitch for the third strike and just run to first on the passed ball.

I was in high school or college for all of them and liked them all but none were life shaping for me.

I would put as the second most consequential. It definitely beats MLB where everyone spends years developing in the minors before even appearing in an real game, and the NHL which is mostly the same with only the top couple of pick going into the league at the start.

Hate to break it to you but Argentina won it’s first World Cup quite some time ago, in fact before Messi was born they had won their two. 1978 and 1986.

Upvoted for comment / username synergy

He is a citizen of the US in the same way the majority of Us citizens are, he was born here. That gives you citizenship.

I tend to side with you. I am a Vikings Fan, I will cheer against the Packers no matter who they play, and against the Bears against anybody but the Packers, I wouldn’t dream of cheering for them in the playoffs even if the Vikes went 3-13 that year.

I hate those people. Not a New Yorker but similar happens all over. I get people trying to convince me to cheer for other NFC North teams in the Playoffs if the Vikes don’t get in and my response is always the same “Fuck off.”

Yeah a rivalry is a rivalry because of the feelings on both sides, watch any match between US and Mexico whether competitive or friendly and it is clear that it is a rivalry.

Oh I am not saying it makes sense just that the math is workable. Personally I don’t spend $176 in haircuts in a year let alone any of the zeros but the number doesn’t seem any more out there to me than other pro athletes with more money than sense spending $100K on car number 13.

That is pretty much me as well I have never actually cheated at golf, however when I hit double par for the hole I just write that number down and move on.

Well the Pacers trade you mentioned is a good blue print, Paul George was pretty vocal about wanting to be a Laker but the Pacers were able to get a decent if not great return from OKC. That is the level of package i would shoot for from anyone in the East. You might get less in return but you also at least delay him

A $500 haircut every day + tips.

Pacers made the trade out of conference though, both LA and SA are in the west.

That is close to my thoughts as well, I would take the best deal I get from anyone in the East, sure he can go to LA as an FA next summer but I wouldn’t help build a rival like that.

The our sorry asses lost to Trinadad and Tobago and have to stay home group.

Not if I was talking about the football team.

A small part ponders whether a St. Louis jury could be fair in this matter but a much much larger part of me looks at the defendant and laughs thinking, “This is why you shouldn’t be a dick during break ups, it will haunt and it couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow I just wish they had added a few more zeros.”

there are pad size rules so if the goalie was big enough to block the whole net he would have body parts exposed to the shots. After he takes a few slapshots to the unprotected areas he will be moving to avoid them pretty quickly.

I agree parity is a good thing but the NBA has never had it. the 80 had 8 titles going to the Lakers or Celtics, the 90s were all the Bulls with Houston getting a pair when MJ was dicking around with baseball. Yes the Cavs and Warriors are hitting peak levels of non-parity but lets not pretend that the league has gone