
No that is not a fair comparison, Mou has destroyed no knees. It might be because of the differing schedules, but no one from a Mou team has turned into a shambling zombie like Noah and some of the other Bulls of that era.

Fun Bradford fact, in six seasons Sam Bradford has played in more than 2 games, in five of those his team has won either 7 or 8 games. The exception being when he “lead” the Rams to a 2-14 record in 2011.

Twice 2010 and 2012, Record for those two years was 7-9 and 7-8-1.

Hate to break it to you but quite a few professions have guaranteed money. I know my contract does and I haven’t played a sport since HS. (Not counting intramurals though if you wanted to count those since second year of college.)

That was my thought exactly I have been dreading the Cousins signing but once I saw it was for only three years I was giving it a thumbs up.

I live in the middle of the country but remember that game. Not a fan of either team, but it was the NFC championship game, I am willing to bet it was the most watched thing on TV at the time it was on.

Selling tickets the rest of this year. I doubt the games are sellout sicne they are one of the teams losing money on the regular so if I was one of the folks in charge I know I wouldn’t be jettisoning the one actual draw you have on the home team.

All the days should not have apostrophes. Apostrophes should be used for possessive not plural.

I wouldn’t say so with two right and two wrong you are hitting 50 % all wrong is hitting 0 % neither is good but half right is better than all wrong.

Golf is a great sport for TV naps.

Comparing two player fine, somehow linking that to the “Soul of the game.” Is one of the things I consider a sign of some sort of cognitive disability.

It also fdoesn’t help that they keep facing the same team in the finals so it makes the whole process seem less exciting. Have them face three different teams in the finals with the same results there would likely be less anti-Warriors sentiment.

He is an average QB which means he is better than roughly half the teams have. Cleveland is definitely in that half, given their QB play over the last two years.

But all we heard from Philly fans during the first years of the process was that being a first round playoff loser was the worst spot to be in, so right now all they had done is managed to get to the worst spot unless they reach the second round.

When you only manage to win once in your last 32 try at something, you deserve mockery for everything you do or not do until you start to win.

My answer to 1 is easy, I am straight but if i was asked about sexual orientation at a job interview my response would be walking out and calling my lawyer, the company and the interviewer personally would be served fairly shortly.

I have a few times and I love most of the food down there, heck I even tried alligator but I draw the line at water vermin.

While I will give you most of that list, Crawfish really? In what world is eating water vermin a draw?

Are you sure you are not thinking his father?
