
Insider trading involves buying or selling publicly traded securities using knowledge not available to the public, business franchises are not securities, there is no insider trading in this case.

Insider trading the the trading of securities using non-public knowledge. Business franchises are not securities so no transaction relating only to them can be insider trading.

Without a doubt no, but he is still a lot better than Dilfer.

Isn’t he still?

They got to the conference finals at least once that is not too bad.

There had been a penalty called before the clip started. That is why in the corner is it says delayed penalty. In hockey if you commit a penalty the play does not stop til your team gain possession of the puck. As soon at a Det player would have gotten possession of the puck it would have been a power play for MN

Full House you mean he fooled them with Full house. Family Matters was the show with Erkel. No wonder you lost the election you need to step your sit com game up.

As much as I want to Rockets to fail, (I have a friend from Houston who until this season as always been very anti-basketball and has suddenly “been a Rockets fan since the days of Akeem” so I pretty much have to cheer against them) I would love to see this as the finals match up.

I am torn by the Timberwolves situation, do I want them to make the playoffs so I can see something I haven’t seen in over a decade or do I want them to miss it so I can completely l ignore the playoff til the finals or either the Cavs or the Warriors get eliminated...the hard decisions of live.

Gordy Howe scored and was his own goon. How many fighting majors has LeBron racked up? I gotta give this on to Gordy, though if Lebron takes down Kyrie in the playoffs in a proper bit of fisticuffs I will change my mind.

Yeah I mean I know the US audience is far from influential in world soccer but Bundesliga is broadcast on Fox, and his lesser reletives the Foxsports stations in the US. I don’t think Serie A is at all. Or if it is hidden deep in the wastelands of cable stations.

Hey now, I know you guys got your NBA team stolen but that is not an excuse for stealing the Minnesota Timberwolves slogan.

Wow given the state of the Brown I don’t think any of the QBs mentioned could pull the team to 5 wins.

As a Vikings fan all I have to say is ungh. I understand the need to upgrade at QB and I realize Keenum will likely never put together a season like he had last year, but I what I seen of Cousins I have zero confidence he is somehow a solution.

Assuming the standard 4.o scale a 2.8 isn’t even a B average.

My first thought on seeing this live was, “Welp, there go the playoffs this year.” My second was, “God Damn it, Thibs destroys the knees of everyone.”

Hate to defend him but he didn’t GM the lions the first 0-16 team. The year they did horrible and got to draft Luck the Colts went 2-14 beating the Titans and the Texans in weeks 15 and 16 and the GM that year was his son Chris not Bill.

Actually those stats point to him being above average at least, since there are 32 QBs starting at any one time a truly average started would hovers around 16th in the stats and the lowest ranking you have listed is 11 which is still better than 2/3 of the other QBs.

the marlins had a pitcher capable of 95 mph, they might not have discarded their entire team to start rebuilding again.

I don’t watch all-star games or pro bowls, but I do tend to tune into the skills comp stuff, and I would 100 percent tune into the draft for the teams.