
Nash would be in just for how he helped the game expand into Canada, (Remember Basketball HOF not NBA HOF)

True but by not caring about the player getting the $5 million you are effectively supporting it going to the owner, because as you very correctly said in your first post absolutely none of the savings will get passed on to us the consumer.

Honest answer, when they are a game up on LeBron in the playoffs.

Dude sounds like your priorities are set, I mean you got to party and have a free day off the next day. How is that not a win-win?

The difference between the US on one hand and Belgium and the Netherlands on the other, it that the Belgian and Dutch leagues focus and encourage the development and subsequent selling of players to the big leagues so they quality of the league matters less than the development. If MLS focused on developing US

I think the issue is that if you want to aspire to be the level of Senegal then the MLS is fine. Though I would hope that US Soccer aspires to better things then being happy to make the World Cup and ecstatic if we stumble into the knock out rounds.

Damn it I have having to make a pro-MLS comment, lots of people aspire to reaching the MLS though it is mostly players central American countries. One thing lost in the US failing to reach the WC is how much MLS experience has helped the smaller countries that bedeviled the US in qualifying.

What are the results of the process so far? Not potential but actual results? So far there are none. All we heard during the the Process was how horrible it was to be a team that lost in the first round blah blah blah.

I so hope the Wizards sign him, mainly because that would mean the Timberwolves don’t.

I was going to point out that saying something and doing it are vastly different thing, but then I re-read the quote and no where in it does he say he will make any short of change. He uses the wonderful tactic of talking about needing change with out ever saying he will do it. Or as I like to call it how to prolong

I wouldn’t give Thibs a full pass on Rose though maybe only give him a 25% share of the blame. Derek likely always had bad knees but with the right managing could have stayed a lot healthier.

Don’t forget Derek Rose’s age too.

Because when it comes to soccer MLS is a minor league, so counting that on the same level as MLB, NHL, NBA, or NFL would be absurd.

As a Timberwolves fan that last tweet has me screaming with fear.

Since they likely wanted home to coach more than one year it would have to be a written contracts, oral contracts cannot have a duration of more that one year.

Never been to Boston but I have been to Indy, I would take Boston, at least some good bands are from there.

Not saying it isn’t up there, but every study I have seen puts the World Cup higher than the Superbowl in that regard and that just makes sense since a lot more people are involved.

And LeBron.

tried to star this but the number went down instead of up.

I grew up in MN and now live a lot further south, I will gladly take cold half the year to never see a three digit temperature again.