
I would go that far, the 1991 Twins coming off a last place finish in 1990 have to count as an underdog as well, the only major off season pick up was Jack Morris, who did pay huge dividends in Game Seven, and while in my biased viewpoint they had more talent than the 1988 dodgers they were definitely an underdog that

Kurt Warner.

That was kind of my thoughts when I saw the headline. Why would they worry, I mean their best case scenario and the their worst are pretty much identical so this is the perfect season to just relax and be tranquillo.

I will admit to not growing up watching the PL but I became a Swansea fan because the first year I followed closely was the first year they were in the EPL.

As much as I want a Vikes Superbowl win, if that is not going to happen I would settle for a Foles/Hoyer who the fuck let these QBs in Superbowl.

The love at least in my case comes from him not being Phil Simms who would otherwise be doing those games.

It was 32 years ago, I think it is alright to make a joke now.

I don’t remember it, I was 4 months old or so when it happened but oh my god, did I hear about it on a regular basis til the around 82 or so.

Trust me even if we get curb stomped on Sunday it would be worth it. After a lifetime of most season game ending moments going the other way. To just have one that went the Vikes way was bigger that just a divisional round playoff game. Losing Sunday is just NFC Championship game loss #6 yeah it will suck but is

The hell it is, it is by far the only good thing to come out of Philly since ECW.

I agree, I am a Vikings fan so while I am euphoric about the play I have been on the other side of enough of those moments to have genuine sympathy for Marcus Williams, I hope he recovers for him and that he goes on to have a great career, and definite thumbs up to the Saint’s fans who support him through this.

Look on the bright side, you can look forward to that game.

Sixth he only has five right now.

Really? Good god I wish that was true when I lived in Northern MN, our rule was if the boss who has a giant 4x4 pick up can get in then we were expected to get in. A foot wouldn’t have kept us home.

Yeah I have to agree I grew up in Northern MN, you find a way to make it to work when you have to.

Since 2002 it has been and yeah it is stupid but kind of used to that bit of stupidity by now.

As someone who lived through the 80s, and was not a 49ers fan then I will pretty much hate them forever, win four in a decade and people who remember that decade will tend to hate for all time.

It could be worse, you could be a Chargers fan they are cursed forever to be the 1 in 1-31.

I know there is likely an article elsewhere that goes into detail on this but how bad to you have to be to get to the point where the Sun Belt conference doesn’t want you?

God Dammit, this thing is going to make me cheer for the Pats to get to the SB won’t it.